Taylor D. Voss

Taylor Voss, 24, is a motivational speaker. Styln'n & profil'n Taylor Voss has published at least 2 books, one titled "Getting Strength From My Struggles: The Secret to Success in College That Nobody Talks About" & "Self Discovery in College" was another one of his books. Taylor Voss graduated from Pueblo-local Roncalli Middle & South High schools, and he earned a bachelor's degree in business management - with an emphasis in marketing - graduating "magna cum laude" - which is a Latin phrase meaning "with great honor" - from CSU-Pueblo. If you're a Cum Laude, that means you've graduated "with praise", usually in the top 25% - 30% of your class. A step above Cum Laude is Magnum Cum Laude which means they graduated the top 10 or 15% of their class. Summa cum laude is above Magnum Cum Laude, reserved for the top 1 - 5%. Summa cum laude means "with highest honor". Taylor Voss wasn't summa cum laude, but he was a respectable Magnum cum Laude. Taylor Voss currently serves as community engagement director for the Pueblo Triple Aim Corporation, which collects data about Pueblo's health. Taylor Voss serves on the Historic Arkansas River Project Foundation board of directors & the CSU-Pueblo Alumni Association board of directors & he's a member of The Rotary Club #43, a local social club.
Taylor Voss quotes George Bernard Shaw as saying, "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." & Taylor Voss vows to be that unreasonable man! If elected, Voss said he will put students, teachers and change first. Interesting how he didn't mention parents. Taylor Voss wants to teach kids how to think, not what to think. Taylor Voss was quoted as saying: "Our students are the future of our community. We need schools and programs that spark their passion for education and properly prepare them for an ever-changing world." Taylor Voss gives teachers high accolades. Teachers are very important members of Pueblo's community, & deserve high salaries. Taylor Voss believes in fostering cross-sector collaborations & community problem solving that are key to high impact solutions.


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