Pueblo Charter Convention Push (Feb 7, 1911)

"So far there has been not the slightest sign of open opposition raised to the coming election on the adoption of a charter form of government for Pueblo. This does not mean, of course, that the charter will be adopted without opposition. It probably does mean that those interests which in January, 1910, opposed the charter have concluded that the sentiment for a charter is so strong this year that it cannot be successfully defeated in the open."

"It may be taken for granted, however, that there will be opposition. If it is not open opposition, it will be subterranean opposition, and perhaps all the more effective for that reason."

"It behooves the advocates of the charter form of government, therefore, to occupy themselves busily in spreading information relative to the proposed new form of government. In spite of all the campaign of education carried on in past years, there is still in many quarters a great dearth of information on the subject, while many misconceptions still exist."

"In its essence, the charter commission government is the simplest in the world. At its basis is the idea that the government of a city is not, so to speak, government, but just plain business. The thing the average taxpayer wants is to have his money expended in such a way that he will get the greatest possible return from every penny taken from him in taxes."

"The spending of a city's money is purely a business proposition - And since, then, the governing of a city is a business proposition, the commission idea is merely an application of business principles to municipal affairs. Instead of having a mayor and a horde of other officials, as at present, and the likewise a board of aldermen - such a mass of officials that responsibility cannot be placed, and that carelessness and lack of economy are almost certain to result, even if actual malfeasance in office is avoided - the commission idea vests all the business of the city in just give men, each in charge of a certain department. Each man is directly responsible for his own department."

"When the average citizen under the commission system, has a kick he doesn't have to go from his alderman to the chief of police and to the city clerk and to the mayor - being passed on from one to another, with no satisfaction in the end. One man alone is responsible in the commission system and the citizen can go as directly straight to that one responsible man as he can to the head of a mercantile establishment. The commission system concentrates authority, and, by so doing, makes it efficient and economical."

"But, if these five men were to have in their hands unlimited authority over the city, the commission system, even though it brings efficiency, might be regarded with alarm. It would be a subversion of popular government; it would make the five men practically dictators"

"By means of the initiative, the referendum and the recall, however, while the give men are given the authority necessary for efficient and economical administration, they are made absolutely subject to the will of the majority. If they refuse to pass an ordinance, the people themselves may pass it. If they pass an ordinance the people do not want, the people can defeat it, by means of the referendum. And if say one of the commissioners misconducts himself in office, he may be removed by means of the recall."

"So, while authority is concentrated by the commission system, with consequently greater efficiency and economy, the control of the people over their municipal affairs is made far more direct and complete than at present."

"There is absolutely no valid objection that can be made against the commission system, then. There is every reason why it should be adopted in Pueblo, as it is being adopted in all the progressive cities of the west. Every friend of efficient & economical administrations, every friend of popular government, should work for the adoption of this system here in Pueblo."

"Above all, let not the fact that as yet there is no open opposition lull to a sense of fancied security. Only persistent earnest work by the love of good government will win the commission system for Pueblo."

~Pueblo Chieftain, February 7, 1911


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