Recall Not Abuse (1911)


IT HAS BEEN ARGUED against the recall that, if the people are given the power to recall officials, they will be recalling them constantly. To say nothing of the fact that the directors of corporations exercise the recall without abusing it, it may be pointed out that though the recall is in existence in over a hundred cities in the United States, it has, so far as The Chieftain has been informed, been used only three times, twice in Los Angeles and once in Seattle. In all three cases the officials recalled had been accused of trafficking in vice. In all cases conditions were vastly improved as a result of the recall of the officials.

Has there been any abuse of the recall here? Has it not, rather, abundantly justified its purpose?


THE HOUSE HAS VOTED in favor of the fortification of the Panama canal, despite Representative Tawney's warning of the immense expenditures that the adoption of his policy will entail in...

~RM M'Clintock, Pueblo Chieftain, 1911


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