Steve Nawrocki Shows His Ass

The Colorado Municipal League says that the Colorado Springs transition phase into a Mayor was an absolute mess, for the first few years.

The Democratic Party of Pueblo City's wagon is hitched to this criminal Mayor, a house made of straw, sitting on wooden stilts, sinking in sand.

This criminal Mayor iceberg bullshit will sink Pueblo City's local Democratic Party.


TJ Miller, a popular comedian born & raised in Denver, Colorado, used to star on the wildly popular "Silicon Valley", until he quit, to pursue other things. Jimmy Kimmel begged him to stay on the show, but TJ was resolute in his decision.

In fact, TJ claimed that he made the show better by leaving.

"It's only going to get better with me not on it," TJ declared.

"Why do you say that?" asked Kimmel.

"Because it has to change. It has to grow. There's something dynamic that has to happen." ~TJ Miller


Entrenched politics prevents new blood from entering the political arena, hence the 90% incumbency rate.

Steve Nawrocki has been on City Council for 8 years, serving as the President of City Council for some time. When both Lori Winner & Steve Nawrocki announced that they were stepping down, I was proud of them. The world can use more Cincinnatuses in this world. Lori & Steve seemed to me like they were being like Cincinnatus, or a George Washington, because after the war was over, the General went back to their farms, back to their private lives again. They didn't turn their temporary military dictatorship during wartime into a tyrannical general oppression during peacetime.

Because of Humble Steve & Humble Lori, like "Silicon Valley" after TJ Miller left, now the government of Pueblo City must change. Now something dynamic must happen.

With Steve, I was wrong. Steve Nawrocki, by running for the criminal Mayor position he illegally & unconstitutionally created, is showing his ass. Steve's not humble, and this is clearly a self-preservation political move. Pueblo City, take note. Because of this criminal Mayor bullshit, look at how politically toxic our climate has already become. Nawrocki put the criminal Mayor on the ballot so he could usurp Sam Azad. Steve Nawrocki was so sick of Pueblo City and her rules, he made up his own rules, ignoring Section 1-2 of the revolutionary & progressive 1954 Charter, just so he could become the new Sam Azad. I swear it feels like Steve doesn't understand how Pueblo City works. With a simple majority of City Council, Steve Nawrocki could have fired Sam Azad at will, whenever he felt like it. If Steve wanted to be the City Manager, then he would have had to apply to the City Council, and get a simple majority to vote for him, after a 1 year hiatus.

Steve Nawrocki did not have to kill the City Manager position to become the Chief Executive. He could have applied for it.

Steve's decision only proves what I had suspected. The reason Steve Nawrocki passed the criminal "big daddy strange" ballot measure was because of his own blind sheer brazen butt-naked ambition, nothing more, nothing less. Steve did not vote for "Big Daddy Strange" to make Pueblo City better. He passed it so he could grab more power.

No doubt, other City Council members will chase that elusive Holy Grail of the Chief Executive spot (permanent injunction, anyone?), as well as those members of that Chamber of Commerce group who wrote the 70+ Amendments collectively known as "Strong Mayor".

A great thing about Pueblo City's beloved revolutionary & progressive 1954 Charter is that it spared Pueblo City of years & years of political campaigning for one office. One reason why our forefathers pushed for a professional city manager, instead of an elected chief executive, was to remove the "politics" out of that decision. Right off the bat, we are witnessing our city elections starting out 11 months in advance, instead of just a few months prior to the November general election, as the 2017 city elections were handled. Nawrocki attempting to remain in power by his own criminal Mayor referendum right out of the gate proves that 2018 will be political as fuck. Pueblo City's elections will reach a full hayfever pitch all because of this criminal Mayor bullshit.

Does Steve Nawrocki not have to abide by the same 100-signatures requirement that at-large city council candidates must get, or will Steve continue to make up the rules as he goes?


The way Steve Nawrocki would chair City Council shows how much disdain Steve has for the general public. While Steve reluctantly lets a few members of the public speak, Steve tries to warn everybody off by filibustering the initial proceedings with stern warnings, and cutting folks off as soon as their 5 minutes are up. I've only seen Steve respond to only 1 person's problems during the public forum. All of the other times, Steve would just look at Jerry with pity, ignoring all of his concerns, and, then moved along with the rest of the meeting.

Why wouldn't Steve elevate smart & passionate constituents, putting their passion & intelligence to work on the many issues that Pueblo City is faced with? Why wouldn't Steve want to get more creative & intelligent people involved?

Instead, Steve's main job as chair seems to be to suppress the public voice so he can slip controversial laws in at the end of the meeting, and pass out $100 million & contracts to who-the-fuck-ever.

Steve Nawrocki doesn't want the pubic to participate in our own government. That's also the reason why Steve was opposed to a Charter Convention. A Charter Convention - as all Puebloans who have a passion for Pueblo knows - is the proper legal channel to change one's government. A Charter Convention demands that up to 21 delegates be elected to rewrite our Charter. The State of Colorado was born by Charter Convention. The United States of America was birthed by Charter Convention. Pueblo City herself chartered herself into an independent autonomous "Catalonia" existence by Charter Convention. But apparently, Steve Nawrocki is better than Colorado, better than the United States, better than Pueblo City, and better than George Washington, which is why he destroyed the possibility of Pueblo City ever conducting a Charter Convention, forever & ever.


Why does the government of Pueblo City keep this bullshit criminal charade up? If one is going to build a brand new house, why not do it the right way?

Pueblo City's new 2018 City Council needs to grab this bull by the horns before it wrecks the China shop. If Pueblo City truly wants a popularly-elected Mayor, it's still possible to get the necessary Charter Convention scaffolding underneath the Mayor's wings, to make him or her strong, stable, & legit. The new Flores & Aliff 2018 City Council need to vote immediately for a special Charter Convention election to be held in February. Once the February vote is favorable, then Pueblo City will vote for the Charter Convention delegates in April, and then finally, vote on the Charter itself in June.

We can get a proper Charter, with a Mayor at the helm, passed by June, with time still for a Mayor to be voted on in the 2018 November general election.

We still have time to get ourselves a popularly-elected Mayor with the strong long-lasting legal authority of a Charter Convention.

Come on Pueblo City! Let's make history! Charter Conventions are Revolutionary!


This whole "change the whole form of government" and "our government is doing just fine" hypocrisy schizophrenia bullshit needs to stop. If everything is just fine & dandy, then how come the whole fkn form of government needs to be changed? What does Nawrocki think he can do as a 5-year Mayor that he wasn't able to do for the last 8 years as President of City Council?

Nawrocki announcing his campaign proves this whole thing was a power grab, pure & simple. Nawrocki loves his precious power he's wielded over everybody, and he can't seem to let go of his precious. That's the reason why Steve allowed Pueblo City to dissolve Sam Azad's office. Power.

That's also the reason why his sycophants would laugh at his stupid sexist jokes because Steve was the chair of City Council, the main facilitator-in-chief, the President of City Council, the leader of the legislative branch. People laughed at Nawrocki's stupid jokes because he had power. Now he's got the power of just a mere peasant citizen.

Welcome to our world Steve.

One obvious revision our 1954 Charter needs is that the sexist language needs to be removed. Apparently, only men were supposed to be in government. But Steve Nawrocki doesn't propose changing the sexist language. The sexist language in the 1954 Charter is just fine & dandy to Steve Nawrocki. Steve also didn't push for Instant Runoff Voting, nor to make the Police Chief or City Clerk popularly elected positions.

Steve Nawrocki will not enjoy this campaign very much.

Steve has done his service to the public honorably, & now it's time for him to take a backseat, and elevate other gifted & talented leaders.


The silence of Sam Azad to all of these cutthroat wheeling and dealings is deafening. Sam Azad's legacy will be a mixed legacy. While he ran Pueblo City well, overseeing the historic marijuana legalization, he also seems poised to be a Prince who may lose his Kingdom, because of the possible dissolution of his office. Sam Azad might just be, the last of the City Managers for Pueblo City.


Pueblo City's forefathers pushed for a City Manager-government to eliminate politics in the choosing of a Chief Executive. The at-large candidates for City Council in 2017 weren't allowed to collect donations until they formally announced with their paperwork, 2 months prior to the November general election. By making sure candidates couldn't campaign until 2 months out from the general election, that tamped the political squabbling down to a few respectable months.

The Mayor election should be ran as municipal elections have been ran in Pueblo City for the last 63 years: the election stays non-partisan, and nobody can campaign until 2 months out.

Another beautiful thing about why our 1954 forefathers added that 1-year hiatus requirement for City Council members was to protect our government from folks within the government from abusing their privileged positions in order to manipulate the system to secure greater positions for themselves & their friends & family (that being the very definition of corruption).

Just because a crime is white-collared, that doesn't make it any less of a crime. If Steve hadn't passed this criminal Mayor referendum, he could have bowed out peacefully by the end of 2017, waited 1 year, and then applied to be Pueblo City's City Manager. That's the proper legal path Steve Nawrocki could have followed if he truly wanted to be Pueblo City's Chief Executive. I swear it feels like none of these professional corruptionists even read Pueblo City's beloved 1954 Charter.

It's like boasting about how much you love basketball when you don't know any of the rules to the game.

I don't know. Maybe Steve just likes the political game too God-damned much. Steve changed our form of government by mere ballot change, and if the 10th Judicial Branch doesn't provide the necessary check they are supposed to be, Steve's decision will destroy any & all revolutionary Charter Conventions for all future generations of Puebloans.

Instead of having a passion for Pueblo City's privileged home rule independent status that our 1954 Charter provides, Nawrocki instead opts to operate outside the law, ripping out the heart, guts, & soul of our Charter, turning it's words into gibberish. When one is walking down the wrong road, it's never too late to turn back around. The criminal corrupt runaway city government, however, will continue with their lies, constructing a wrangled web of lies & deceit in their wake. Pueblo City's government is already operating past their legal authority, and I predict, it's only going to get worse.


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