"West is Elected" (1911 Pueblo Chieftain)


"TWO YEARS OF WEST." That, according to West's own organ, is the purpose of himself and those with him on the Democratic ticket. And there can be two years of West only at the expense of the commission system of government.

The Star Journal probably "slipped up" in giving publicity to the intention of West and his followers to do everything possible to delay the adoption of the charter for two years. West had been giving it out among the friends of commission government that he now favors that system, in spite of the previous opposition he displayed to it. He had been trying to make it appear that he is now friendly to that system which before he so bitterly fought; that he would even join in urging its adoption.

But the Star Journal has inadvertently given this scheme away: has exposed the real purpose of the West supporters, - which is to delay the adoption of the charter for two years more, at least. Those who were on the inside knew that this was West's purpose, - knew that this was why he was nominated by the interests that made themselves responsible for his candidacy.

Every element in the Democratic party that favored West has in the past opposed the charter proposition, and still opposes it. The organ that is now supporting West has been an implacable enemy of the charter in the past, and in this present campaign has said not one word in favor of the charter,- and neither has West, for that matter.And one of the weekly papers that is supporting West is frankly opposed to the charter, and support West because of its hope that through his election the charter will be defeated.

Theoretically there is nothing West could do as mayor to delay the adoption of the charter. Practically, there is no limit to what he may be able to do. Everyone knows how to court proceedings may be used to delay even the best propositions. A determined man may even be able to delay the charter for two years. West himself is not such a determined man,- but the men back of him are, and they have the money wherewith to accomplish their desires.

And their desires is that which was expressed by the Star-Journal,- "two more years of West." There is but one way to frustrate this desire, and that is, by voting both for the charter and for Dr. A.T. King. Not only is Dr. King pledged to the charter; he is himself a long time believer in the commission theory of popular government. And it will be his desire, if elected, to make his term, not as long as possible, by preventing the adoption of the commission system, but as short as possible, by doing everything in his power to accelerate the adoption of the new charter.

A friend of the charter who votes for West will be killing his charter vote. For West and his sponsors, if they secure control of the city government, will use every possible means to delay the adoption of the commission system.

There is but one logical position for friends of the charter to take, and that is, to vote for Dr. King and the Republican ticket. Only by so doing will they really be voting for the charter.


JUST HOW THE New York Democratic insurgents have gained by preventing the elections of Sheehan by the election of O'Gorman for senator a waiting word has not yet been able to discover. To all appearances O'Gorman is fully as unacceptable as Sheehan. He is even more close...


The Republicans have no apologies to make for the ticket it placed before the people in yesterday's election. The candidate were all good men and they ran on a good platform and stood for good government. No man stands higher socially, professionally, and in a business way in our city than does Dr. A.T. King. He made a good clean race and need not feel ashamed of the vote he received. He was forced into the race by the business interests of the city and he would have made a good mayor. The people have decreed otherwise, however, and we must all [?] to their will. IT is to be noted that Mayor West will stand by the promises be made by the people during the campaign. If he does, he will render unto the city a good service. If he does not many who voted for him will regret they took him at his word. Let us hope for the best. There is one thing of which he may rest assured and that is that The Chieftain will support him if he honestly endeavors to give the people a clean city government, but if his [cotning?] administration is like his last The Chieftain will be heard from in no uncertain tones. Sunday and midnight closing laws must be enforced, wine romps must go and gambling shall be prohibited. This means nickel in the slot machines as well as other forms of gambling. The Chieftain will take no backward step in the advocacy of clean city government, and it knows the good people of the city will loyally support it in this respect.

West has won. The victory belongs to him and his party. We wish him well and hope he will redeem his every promise.


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