May 19 Holidaze

5/19/1884: Rabies treatment perfected. 

May 19, 1856. Sen. Charles Sumner, Mass, spoke out against slavery. “The Crime Against Kansas” 3 days later, Preston Brooks caned Charles Sumner

May 19. Malcolm X is born (1925). May 19 (2nd Video);

May 19 (1st Video)

May 19, 1967 - USSR ratifies treaty with Britain & US banning nuclear weapons in space

May 19, 1972. Bombing of The Pentagon "in retaliation for the U.S. bombing raid in Hanoi." The date was chosen for it being Ho Chi Minh's birthday. [NYT, 5/19/72] On May 19, 1972, Ho Chi Minh’s birthday, the Weather Underground placed a bomb in the women’s bathroom in the Air Force wing of the Pentagon. The damage caused flooding that destroyed computer tapes holding classified information. Other radical groups worldwide applauded the bombing, illustrated by German youths protesting against American military systems in Frankfurt. This was "in retaliation for the U.S. bombing raid in Hanoi." ''Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon,'' he writes. But then comes a disclaimer: ''Even though I didn't actually bomb the Pentagon -- we bombed it, in the sense that Weathermen organized it and claimed it.'' He goes on to provide details about the manufacture of the bomb and how a woman he calls Anna placed the bomb in a restroom. No one was killed or injured, though damage was extensive.

May 19, 1890. Ho Chi Minh's Birthday.

5/19: Youth and Sports Day (Turkey). "Youths sing the national anthem, recite poems, make parades and sports and realise cultural activities like performing folk dances and play epic drama to commemorate Atatürk and his companions' beginning of the national struggle in 1919 that would lead to the establishment of the Republic of Turkey, in 1923."

1884 - Ringling Brothers circus premieres.

May 19, 1986 - Anti-apartheid activist Helene Passtoors sentenced to 10 yrs in S Afr

May 19, 2007 - "Sicko" a documentary on the US health system, directed by Michael Moore has its premiere at the Cannes Film festival.

May 19, 2161 - Syzygy: 8 of 9 planets aligned on same side of sun
May 19th Communist Organization. The M19CO name was derived from the birthdays of Ho Chi Minh and Malcolm X. The May 19 Communist Organization was active from 1978 to 1985. M19CO was a combination of the Black Liberation Army and the Weather Underground. It also included members of the Black Panthers and the Republic of New Africa (RNA)He would 125 years old today.

May 19, 1962. Marilyn Monroe signs for JFK’s 45th Birthday.,_Mr._President

May 19th Events. 1848 - Mexico gives Texas to US, ending Polk's Mexican war, which he lied us into.

1857. William Francis Channing & Moses G Farmer patents electric fire alarm.

1863 - Siege of Vicksburg, invasion of city successful. 1st battle happened May 19.
1900 - World's longest railroad tunnel (Simplon) links Italy & Switz, opens
5/19/1906: Simplon Tunnel (Brig, Switzerland to Iselle, Italy) opened.

1910 - Passage of Earth through tail of Halley's Comet causes near-panic (like Y2K panic in 2000)'s_Comet 2061 Halley's Comet is supposed to come back.

1921 Congress passed the Emergency Quota Act, establishing national quotas for immigrants.

1923 - KPD (communist revolts) in German Ruhr cities occupied by Allies

1930 - White women win voting rights in South Africa

1939 - Churchill signs British-Russian anti-Nazi pact

1951 - UN begins counter offensive in Korea

1960 - Belgian parliament requires rest day for self employed.

1965 - Patricia R Harris named 1st US black female ambassador (Luxembourg)

1968 - Pirate Radio Brumble of Northern England 1st heard
5/19/1971: Mars 2 (USSR), first Mars impact, launched.

May 19, 1972 - WMAV TV channel 18 in Oxford, MS (PBS) begins broadcasting

1981 - 5 British Army soldiers are killed when their armoured vehicle is ripped apart by a Provisional Irish Republican Army roadside bomb near Bessbrook, County Armagh

1987 - 1st American Comedy Award

1989 - Dow Jones Avg passes 2,500 mark for 1st time, closes at 2,501.1

1991 - Willy T. Ribbs becomes 1st African American driver to make Indianapolis 500

1995 - World's youngest doctor, Balamurali Ambati, 17, graduates Mount Sinai.



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