
Showing posts from August, 2017

Pueblo City's 2017 General Election (#4)

A water board member seat is up for grabs in Pueblo City this year. Pueblo City has 5 water board members, & they serve 6 year terms. The purpose for Pueblo's water board is to formulate & dictate policy regarding Pueblo's waterworks (including storm water & sewer), keep Pueblo's water clean, review & approve a budget, & bill the city's water customers at rates they set. James H. Gardner, the incumbent, has stepped down from his water board seat, because he's "old". Gardner reassures us - we the public - that he "can shoot [his] age in golf". This leaves the Water Board seat wide open for any takers. Will there be any takers? Gardner was appointed to the water board July 1999. He won that election that year (1999). Puebloans must have adored James H. Gardner's work, because they reelected him in 2005 for another 6-year term, & once again in 2011. Gardner has served Pueblo City as water board member for the...

"Congratulations Sandy Gutierrez!!!" ~Citizen for a Green Pueblo (2)

The sole purpose for the Civil Service Board is to prevent nepotism, & one way to do that is by reinforcing the structural elements of our city's meritocracy. Pueblo City shoucld have shittons of applications for shittons of jobs. But when only 1 local adult applies to be Police Chief, or only 1 person in all of Pueblo got their signatures in for Water Board, or only 1 adult got their signatures in for Civil Service Board, that's a failure of the city as a whole, but it falls specifically on the head of the Civil Service Board (& Human Resources).  The 3 main reasons Pueblo City has uncontested races is because:  1) many Puebloans weren't taught civics & democratic principles from District 60's universal public schools; 2) the government & media aren't covering local politics comprehensively, &; 3) Puebloans aren't educating themselves, & are therefore dying of ignorance in the postmodern Internet information age. Nevertheless, ...

"Congratulations Sandy Gutierrez!!!" ~Citizen for a Green Pueblo (1)

Guy Kennedy got his Civil Service seat in 2013 without competition, & Sharon Bonner got her Civil Service seat in 2015 without any competition, & Danny Archibeque will join Kennedy & Bonner's legacy by also getting his Civil Service seat in 2017 without any competition. As long as Danny votes for himself in November, there's no reason anybody else should vote for him. Hell, even if he didn't vote for himself, & he received zero votes, since he's the only person on the ballot, who else would the position be given to? Danny will win anyways, even with zero votes, yet this November 7, thousands of Puebloans will vote for Danny, not because they believe that Danny is the best person for the job, au contraire. Thousands will vote for Danny to make themselves feel like winners, because they chose the winning horse, for once. A lone horse. Real tough decision there, sport.  Not.  How ironic is it that the so-called "strong mayor" ballot question a...