"Congratulations Sandy Gutierrez!!!" ~Citizen for a Green Pueblo (1)

Guy Kennedy got his Civil Service seat in 2013 without competition, & Sharon Bonner got her Civil Service seat in 2015 without any competition, & Danny Archibeque will join Kennedy & Bonner's legacy by also getting his Civil Service seat in 2017 without any competition. As long as Danny votes for himself in November, there's no reason anybody else should vote for him. Hell, even if he didn't vote for himself, & he received zero votes, since he's the only person on the ballot, who else would the position be given to? Danny will win anyways, even with zero votes, yet this November 7, thousands of Puebloans will vote for Danny, not because they believe that Danny is the best person for the job, au contraire. Thousands will vote for Danny to make themselves feel like winners, because they chose the winning horse, for once. A lone horse. Real tough decision there, sport. 


How ironic is it that the so-called "strong mayor" ballot question advocates aren't saying shit about having Pueblo's Police Chief being elected? The-powers-that-be asked the adults of Pueblo not a goddamned thing when it came to hiring the new Police Chief, after Velez retired. The-powers-that-be decided who our Police Chief was going to be, behind closed doors, unveiling their decision later, challenging us to accept it, or else, I suppose. The "equally-strong-as-the-city-manager mayor/weak council" advocates are pretending like they want a popularly elected Chief Executive Dictator, & yet, if they truly believed in that principle - popular democracy - then how come they didn't call for a popularly elected chief of police? 

6 fkn year terms. Both Water Board & Civil Service Board, fkn 6 fkn year terms. 3 civil service board members & 5 water board members. 6 year terms. 8 x 6 = 48 years... are we paying these people? If so, how much? This shit's adding up. Do we really need an Orwellian Qing Dynasty Illuminati government anyways? If so, then vote "strange mayor".

Why is there only 1 person running for Pueblo City's Civil Service Board, who happens to be the same man who has been chairing that seat for the last 6 years (if not 12)? The last 21 of 23 elections for Pueblo City's Water Board & Civil Service Board in this Millennium (sans 2005) have been uncontested. Only 2 out of the last 23 water board/civil service board elections were competitive during this Millennium. Every single one of those 21 elections for the 5-member Water Board or the 3-member Civil Service Board were irrelevant, & pointless, & a total waste of everybody's goddamned time. Every single fkn one of them. 

All 21 non-competitive elections, pure perfunctory nonsense.

Congratulations Sandy Gutierrez, who is brand new, since Pueblo City's last Water Board member - James H. Gardner, the architect - stepped down, for being too "old" (his words, not mine). James H. Gardner, the humble architect. Gardner stepped down after only 18 years of water boarding. Gardner designed the School Board Administration Building (District 60), with that weird mural circle thing out in front, serving as the meeting spot for Pueblo City's 1 & only School Board. A major accomplishment of James H. Gardner as Pueblo City's Water Board member was acquiring 32% ownership of the Bessemer Ditch in the early 2000s, to help make Pueblo City more self-reliant, to fortify ourselves against a selfish western slope, who may want to monopolize the headwaters, if a drought happened.

Sandy Gutierrez was the only person to "apply" for the Water Board job, so without even waiting until the November 7 Judgement Day, we the people of Pueblo City already know who will win the Water Board seat... and it's... Sandy Gutierrez!!!


Sandy Guiterrez is Pueblo's brand spanking new Water Board member. Let's hope her vision is identical, or better, to Johnathan Masters' "cleaner & cheaper water" vision. Sandy Guiterrez is the 5th Water Board member. 

Pueblo City's 2018 Water Board members are:

1) Sandy Guiterrez;
2) Nicholas Gradisar;
3) Thomas V. Autobee; 
4) Michael Cafasso, &;
5) Kevin F. McCarthy.

Kevin F. McCarthy may be Pueblo's longest-running-in-one-seat politician. Kevin F. McCarthy has been a water board politician for Pueblo City for 29 years, since 1988, when Papa Bush was first elected, the last year of Ronald Reagan's Imperial Empire. The people of Pueblo City must absolutely adore Kevin McCarthy to hand him power for nearly 3 decades. Yet, in 29 years, McCarthy never got an intern. In 29 years, Kevin McCarthy never elevated some gifted political science graduate to show them the ropes, to be his successor, to liberate Kevin McCarthy to move on to bigger & better things, giving at least 1 opportunity to the next generation.

Instead, Kevin F. McCarthy simply stayed put. Just like Dan Archibeque did.

Congratulations Dan Archibeque, Pueblo's current chair of the Civil Service Board!!! Dan was already doing the job that Dan did for the last 6 years and now Dan gets to continue his au-courant state-of-the-art cutting-edge civil-servicing for 6 more years now. Dan Archibeque will serve Pueblo City as the Presidential Chair of the Civil Service Board for 6 more years. Dan was the head boss chair of the other 2 elected officials in that 3 person board, and Dan will continue to boss Sharon Bonner & Guy Kennedy around, until their endurance gives out. But Dan isn't the boss of the Civil Service Department Director (unless Sharon & Guy are Dan's sycophants). The Department Director is the head executive, and therefore, Manuel Alcala can do as he pleases, until the majority of the 3 person board votes him to be fired. Manuel Alcala does not directly answer to Dan, nor Sharon Bonner, nor Guy Kennedy. Collectively, Mr. Alcala must listen to at least 2 of 3 of them, for any given decision, at any given time, but Mr. Alcala does not get his daily marching orders from Sharon, Guy, or Dan. 

Dan is 1 of 3 individuals, & everybody's vote is equal, I hope (sometimes the chair's vote is worth 2, for tie-breaking reasons). The Board's main job - just like the School Board & the City Council Board & nearly all corporations - is picking an Executive Dictator. Once that man, or woman, has been chosen, they're mostly left to run things however they see fit.

Sam Azad is Manuel Alcala's boss, not Danny Archibeque. Sam Azad is everybody-in-city-government's boss. Sam Azad hires & fires whomever he likes (as well as produce a budget, appoint department heads, among other shit). Sam Azad is the head hirer or firer. Before Sam Azad can hire anybody in the city of Pueblo, he needs to "vet" them, & that's where both Human Resources & the Civil Serivce Board come in, redundantly. Theoretically, Sam Azad hires city employees from the Manuel Alcala's "eligibility lists", once he's determined that they're the most qualified, and aren't just somebody's buddy or family member.

Human Resources is involved in the process somehow too.


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