The state of the Colorado Delegation (1-12-18)

Colorado has 2 US Senators: Michael Bennet & Cory Gardner. Michael Bennet is a Democrat. Cory Gardner is a Republican.

Gardner is the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, ranking him 6th in the Senate Republican leadership, according to Wikipedia.

Neither Senator is up for reelection this year.

All 7 of the US Representatives are up for reelection this year, as they are every 2 years, as are the State Representatives for Colorado. Every 2 years, every single representative could lose their seats, but this here is America. 95% of them will regain their seats. If the non-voting 65% actually voted, shit would change.

Out of Colorado's 7 US Representatives, 3 are Democrats (Jared Polis, Ed Perlmutter, & Diana DeGette) & 4 are Republicans (Ken Buck, Doug Lamborn, Mike Coffman, & Scott R. Tipton). Jared Polis, who is running for Colorado Governor, & Ed Perlmutter are both stepping down from their US Representative posts.

Diana DeGette is the lone Democrat incumbent left standing.

All 4 of the Republican incumbents are running for reelection.

The 2 open seats are 2 seats being retired by Democrats.

If history & the 95% incumbency rate is a guide, then Colorado will retain 4 Republican representatives, and 1 Democrat, and the 2 open seats will go to either a Republican or a Democrat.

At best, Democrats can hope to retain their 2 retired seats. At worst, by 2018's end, Colorado will only have 1 Democrat left standing.

The lesson of Hillary losing the 2016 election is that only progressive populist candidates will win. If the Democratic Party retains their conservative right-wing neoliberal corporatist ideology, they will lose.

Bernie Sanders would have beat Trump.

And what kind of person is not a progressive? What kind of person would champion regression?

In the Democratic Party, for CD1 (Congressional District #1), Diana DeGette is being challenged by David Sebrook. John Field is a Republican running, and there's no Independents, Libertarians, nor Greens running for US Rep #1 (CD1).

For Jared Polis's seat (CD2), there's 3 Democratic candidates running:

1) Kristopher Larsen (the Mayor of Nederland);

2) Joe Neguse, and;

3) Mark Williams.

Nick Thomas is an independent running for the 2nd District, and there's no Republican challengers.

CD2 is safe from the Republicans.

For District #3, Scott R. Tipton isn't being challenged by anybody in the Republican Party, and Diane Bush (a Progressive) & Karl Hanlon are battling it out for the Democratic ticket.

For District 4, the incumbent Republican Ken Buck is being challenged by Republican Jim Gunning. There's 4 Democratic Party candidates:

1) Larry Germanson;

2) Chase Kohne;

3) Karen McCormick, &;

4) Richard Lyons Weil

There's no Independents, Greens, nor Libertarians running for CD4.

Doug Lamborn is Colorado's 5th district incumbent, since 2007, and he's a Republican.

Doug Lamborn is being challenged by 3 Republicans:

1) Darryl Glenn;

2) Owen Hill - State Sen., &;

3) Bill Rhea.

There's 3 Democrats battling it out for the Democratic ticket:

1) Betty Field;

2) Stephany Rose Spaulding, &;

3) Kimberly Sugarman.

There's no Independents, Greens, nor Libertarians running for CD5.

For Colorado's 6th district, Mike Coffman will have to fight off Roger Edwards to retain the Republican ticket.

There's 4 Democratic candidates for CD6:

1) David Aarestad, an Attorney

2) Jason Crow - an Attorney

3) Erik Stanger, &:

4) Levi Tillemann.

There's no Independents, Greens, nor Libertarians running for CD5.

For CD7, Ed Perlmutter is retiring.

Only Nathan Clay is running for CD7. No Democrats, nor Republicans are running for Perlmutter's seat.

As things stand right now, there's no chance of Republicans gaining Jared Polis's seat, and there's no chance of any Democrats or Republicans grabbing Ed Perlmutter's seat.

For the other seats, it's anybody's guess.

Assuming the incumbents win, then Colorado will have 4 Republican representatives, 1 Democrat representative, and the other seat will be Democratic or Republican, and the other one, Independent.

For the nation, the 2018 midterm elections will be a bloodbath for the Republicans.

For the Republicans in Colorado, the 2018 midterm elections are theirs to lose.


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