Watch Out Kingfish! Tony Pemberton is Right Behind You!

Tony "The Fixer" Pemberton, Jackie "The Man from Comanche" Massey, Nick "Kingfish" Gradisar, & Janet "Pueblo's Canadian Godmother" Wilson were all there. Charlotte Perez, Larry Atencio, Gary Lee Clark, Nick Ayers, Thomas Croshal, & Ted Lopez Jr were there too. 10 of the total 18 candidates I know about showed up. It was mentioned that there's now 19 candidates... 19 mfn candidates!?! & some fkn morons want to whittle all 19 down to only "Top 2". This is simple math folks. Will you get a better, more thoroughly discussed outcome, w/ 10 Instant Runoffs, or just 1 "Top 2" Runoff election, months later? We would get a better Mayor w/ deeper, broader, & wider base of support w/ IRV. We the People would be able to sift through 19 candidates w/ a ranking system better than eliminating 17 of the 19 candidates down to only 2 non-majority winners. IRV would dwindle 19 candidates down to 10 in the first round, AND...