Pueblo County Commissioner, District 3

The County Commissioner #3 seat is up this year. Sal Pace, a Democrat, a short nice man, who stood tall like "The Rock" for the marijuana legalization movement, is stepping down.

So far, there's 3 candidates showing up on Tracer:

1- Aaron Lucero;

2- Zachary Swearingen, &;

3- Chris Wiseman

Aaron Lucero, working the crowd
Zachary Swearingen, the Republican

Chris Wiseman, the Democrat; 

30-year-old Aaron Lucero is a TRIO Student Support Services engagement coach at Pueblo Community College. An engagement coach. That's an interesting job title. One who coaches to be engaged. Ok.

There's a union thug on fb named Aaron Lucero - "the other Aaron Lucero on facebook from Pueblo" - who works at the Chemical Depot, whose got that bootleg "Steal City Hustlers" CD, "Real G's Don't Talk".

But that's not the same Aaron Lucero who is running for County Commissioner.

On the surface, I think I like union thug Aaron Lucero better than the Engagement Coach at PCC. The Engagement Coach could be cool, depending if he's a progressive or not.

Aaron Lucero is 30 years old. He's young enough to be a progressive. But he's also "establishment". It's really annoying when folks preach "just be like me", even if they're wealthy & powerful, as if any other person's journey is anything else but our own. HST liked to stir shit up w/ his Gonzo journalism, but what if HST just made the huge media circus into a bigger distraction that what it already is. Ultimately, those in power don't want to lose their power. They want to keep their power & they want to operate with impugnity. They aren't to be questioned, and all must listen to them, & do as they say, never the other way around. Yeah "be like them"... by obeying them? I don't fkn think so.

Aaron Lucero was born & raised here in Pueblo (County or City? idk), so automatically, Aaron has been given a golden chalice to drink as much blood of his Messiah that he so chooses to, in order to wash down w/ his Jeez-its he gets at the weekly Priest's Catholic Sunday Show. What kind of business model can stay open only 1 time a week, and succeed? Something seems very sketchy there.

Aaron Lucero, born & raised in Pueblo, graduated from Centennial High School in 2005. Centennial High School, Home of the Fight'n Bulldogs (more notably, Home of David Packard of Hewlett-Packard), in the northern part of Pueblo City, next to the giant Pueblo Country Club. Since Centennial High School is located in the northern part of the City, that's D60 schools (versus D70 "the County" schools), that must mean Aaron Lucero was probably born & raised in Pueblo City, not Pueblo County.
Aaron Lucero graduated from the University of Northern Colorado & earned a Bachelor of Science in 2009... in what? The article does not say. Just that Aaron Lucero earned a BS in something.
In 2017, Aaron Lucero graduated from Adams State University with a Master's Degree in Business Administration w/ an Emphasis in Leadership. Sounds like more BS degrees.
It's a serious run tho. Aaron Lucero will be competing against a local establishment Democrat & a local establishment Republican, both seemingly highly qualified, & well known & liked around deez partz here boy...

Aaron Lucero announced his candidacy on January 14, 2018 at some undisclosed event at some undisclosed location in Pueblo (County or City? idk). Aaron Lucero has folks ready to get his signatures (how many does he need?), & he's got a committee account called "Friends of Aaron Lucero", so that's either a fb thang, or a bank thang. Either way, it sounds impressive.

Aaron Lucero strikes me, & this is a total surface judgment, I'm totally judging a book by its cover here, but, as an odd, quirky, & eccentric weird, which could be good or bad. If he's slightly more progressive than either the Democrat or the Republican, then I'll probably end up endorsing & championing him over the other 2 establishment weirds.


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