9 Question 2A Facts

1- Section 20-3. 5 Year Term for the 1st Big Daddy Strange.

2- Section 14-1. Pueblo City's Aviation Department Rising.

3- Section 6-4. The Law-&-Finance-Mafia Protection Law; Greater Protections 4 City Employees Who Injure The Public.

4- Section 4-6. Mayor's Cabinet, aka *Algonquin Round Table of Executive Authority*.

5- Section 3-14. "Strong" mayor can't sign the city's checks like the City Manager does.

6- Section 5-1. No Independent Judiciary. Big Daddy Strange will be King Over An Army of Judges.

7- Section 4-3 deleted. Legislature Demoted Down To Bitch Ass Slave of Big Daddy Strange.

8- Section 4-2. Unlimited non-consecutive terms for Big Daddy Strange.

9- Section 7-28. Department of Purchases & Supplies created.


Section 15-3. District No. 2 formed.

Section 2-6. Miss 2 Unexcused Days, City Council Member is Fired.

Section 13-4. Park Employees can be deputized to arrest Big Daddy Strange, but Big Daddy Strange can't arrest a Park Employee.

*Strong Mayor aka Big Daddy Strange aka The Emperor of Pueblo City for Life*; the 1st, or actually 23rd, Mayor, will be elected to a 5-year Reich. Section 20-3. First Election Under new Frankenstein Charter - "The first Mayor to take office in accord with this Charter Amendment shall be elected at a special municipal election to be held on November 6, 2018 for a term expiring on the second Tuesday in January 2024. Thereafter, the Mayor’s term and election shall be in accordance with Article 17 and Section 4-2; 5 years is a bunch of years to gamble on 1 human being, 1 fallible human being; a 1 year probationary period doesn't sound like a bad idea; a 5 year Reich will be a notable distinction to all the future autocratic totalitarian monarchal tyrannical & fascist dictators; being historic, whatever Manchurian candidate wins, will be the face, body, mind, spirit, & character of Pueblo; the Emperor of Pueblo City for Life will also be "so Pueblo" for life; Mr. or Mrs. or Miss or just "Strong Mayor" will be a local Rock n Roll god, a Puebloan legend; Pueblo City's Camelot; the head of a new Royal family of Pueblo, hopefullly of working class-ilk; the person's last name will have political power for centuries; the new Boss of Pueblo City; Pueblo City's head negotiator; Pueblo City's main cheerleader; much of
the people of Pueblo City will pin their hopes & dreams on this 1 individual people's champion, this 1 fallible individual, who will make lots of mistakes, since to err is human;

*The Aviation Department Secedes Pueblo City*; Section 14-1; the Department of Aviation will be governed by Ordinace now, instead of Resolution. Resolutions are opinions, not backed by action; Opinions are easier to give than commands. Pueblo City had more control over the Dept of Aviation with the "Govern by Resolution" laws of the 1954 Charter, vesus the "Govern by Ordinance" laws of Mr. Gardisar's. To govern by Ordinance, one needs to be more specific, & it's very authoritative, so to govern by Ordinance is to govern by specific direct commands, so whereas governing by Resolution, City Council & the City Manager could legislate the "spirit" & culture & philosophy; of how the Department of Aviation will be governed, to now specifically passing Ordinances that say "Jet Blue Can Contract Here", or "We are severing our contract with BP" specific law, or "Dave Roberts is a bad director; Eva Rodriegiuz takes his place" law. This is a loss for the government of Pueblo City, a victory for the Aviation Department, whoever is running it, doing whatever it is they're doing;
this represents a seemingly minor change that wasn't fully explained by Mr. Gardisar; it makes me wonder how many other minor changes in those 70 amendments that i didn't catch;

Greater Protections City Employees Who Injures A Member of the Public;
*The Law-&-Finance-Mafia Protection Law*; Section 6-4; a mysterious "by a City employee acting within the course of employment" clause appears; Section 6-4; greater protections for injuries city employees commit against the public if they're "acting within the course of employment". Section 6-4 (1954) begins as: "Notice of Personal Injuries - Before the Municipal Government shall be liable for damages to a person injured on a street, avenue, alley, sidewalk, public place or way, or..." ... "by a City employee acting within the course of employment" (2017) ... " "The person so injured, or someone in HIS behalf, shall notify the Municipal Government within the time period and manner required by the laws of the State of Colorado.";
This Amendment shows that there's very mysterious & suspect secret clauses embedded in the 10 page, 70 amendment Big Daddy Strange ballot question, that haven't been fully explained.

*Algonquin Round Table of Executive Authority*; Section 4-6; the "Mayor's cabinet" language was added to our beloved & precious 1954 Charter; 1954, the year of The Liberation; represents an obvious Executive power grab & expansion;

*Jack The Pocket Park Ranger Ripper Landscaping SWAT Teams Deployment*- Section 13-4; Park Employees can be appointed as "Special Policemen." Just men? [what law] Perhaps they can arrest all of these goddamned Goatheads, which is holding Pueblo City hostage; if we can't get the local police to arrest for "abuse of public office", maybe we can deputize some park employees; Meanwhile, the 4th Branch run rampant & at-large;
this represents how much of the current charter most folks don't know about now; 1954 Charter is the law of the land in Pueblo City, so how come so many residents are completely ignorant about it? People say Pueblo pride, or being passionate about Pueblo, yet they don't even know about the basic foundational document from which all of our society's laws & rules spring forth from;

*"Strong" mayor can't sign the city's checks*. Section 3-14; Section 3-14 gives the City Manager the power "to furnish bonds with such surety", but under Mayor Strangelove, only the unelected Director of Finance gets that power. Not the Mayor. Big Daddy Strange doesn't have this same Check Signing Power that the City Manager currently has. Strong mayor? What kind of strong mayor can't sign the city's checks?

*Big Daddy Strange, King Over An Army of Judges*; Section 5-1; Pueblo City won't have an Independent Judiciary anymore; Municipal Court will merely serve at the flippant pleasure of the Mayor; Council doesn't appoint or fire Municipal Court Judges no more; Strange Mayor does; Section 5-1: "Each Municipal Judge shall be appointed by the Mayor for a term of two years and may be removed by the Mayor for cause." The Mayor appoints the 50 new Judges, with City Council confirmation; then, at will, the Mayor can fire the 50 new Judges for any goddamned reason he wants to; there's a small check to stopping a new Judge from gaining power, but once that Judge has been confirmed, the Mayor can fire them for a perceived slight, & there's nothing anybody can do about it. This puts the newly appointed & confirmed Judges under the heavy hand of Big Daddy Strange; since the Judicial is completely under the Executive Branch, & the Legislative Branch doesn't have the Hiring or Firing power like they used to, their check is limited to blocking new Judges, but once a Judge is confirmed, that Judge can judiciate all over the Legislator, & there's not shit that Legislator can do about it; under Big Daddy Strange, the Judicial Branch is not a co-equal branch of government, but a subordinate branch underneath the Executive, 100% subordinate, & the Legislative Branch, ie City Council, only has the bread crumbs power of confirmation. Meanwhile, the 4th Branch run rampant & at-large;

*Legislature Demoted Down To Big Daddy Strange's Children*; Section 4-3 of 1954 Charter mandates that City Council could fire Fuhrer any time by simple majority vote; a major "You're Fired" legislative check on the executive branch is forever eliminated; [what law] Strange mayor doesn't change budget or hiring & firing powers for Shitty Council; they do, however, get Confirmation Powers; all 3 branches of Pueblo City's government will be forever altered under Big Daddy Strange; Big Daddy Strange can nullify the Judicial Branch, & only has to pester City Council about confirming his Department Executive Director appointments, his "Mayor's cabinet", his Algonquin Round Table; Big Daddy Strange can hire & fire anybody & everybody below the Executive Directors as he sees fit; City Council can hire some personnel for themselves as well;

*To City Council Members: "Miss 2 Days, You're Fired"*; Section 2-6; City Council can boot you out of your City Council seat if a tragedy happens, such as an airplanes landing on your car, if you spontaneously combust, OR, if a City Council member misses 2 City Council meetings within the span of 1 year without a "reasonable excuse", they lose their seat.

*Unlimited non-consecutive terms for the Mayor*; Section 4-2, Mayor's Term; A loophole to the Term Limits for Mayor Strange. As long as Mayors never serve consecutive terms, they can be Mayor for life.  Mayor's are only required to step down after 2 consecutive terms. The last sentence of Section 4-2: "After having served two consecutive terms, the incumbent Mayor shall be ineligible to hold office thereafter." The Term Limit loophole allows a Mayor to be elected to 2 or 3 or 5 or 55 NONCONSECUTIVE terms. Theoretically, you could have two folks, a man & a woman, who just alternate the Mayoral terms, until they both die off. Elevating Big Daddy Strange to the new Hitler of Pueblo hasn't been fully thought through.

How Many Departments Does Pueblo City have right now?

*Public Water Works District No. 2*; different than water works; Section 15-3. District No. 2 - The water plant together with all other property belonging to Public Water Works District No. 2 shall continue to belong to the District, and be held, managed and operated in the same manner as at present, until the ownership, control and management shall be changed pursuant to the provisions of this Charter, and no change shall be made except as herein provided unless such change be approved by a vote of the majority of the qualified taxpaying electors of the District voting thereon.

*Creation of Department of Purchases & Supplies; Section 7-28; different than Purchasing Department?; Section 7-28. Purchases - There shall be established a Department of Purchases and Supplies, the Director of which shall be the City Purchasing Agent, under jurisdiction of the Mayor. Pursuant to rules and regulations established by ordinance, the Purchasing Agent shall contract for and purchase all supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services required by any department, office or agency of the City Government.


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