A 17-Point Progressive Platform of Masters 4 Pueblo City (#A15PPPM4PC)

1- The annual State of Pueblo City reports (budget, policy, municipal code, charters, etc.) written for laymen.

2- War On Goatheads! Pueblo City should be a biker's paradise, but goatheads are awaiting bikers in every park, every sidewalk, every road, every turn, etc. Awareness campaign to rid community of these foreign invasive species which produce millions of thorns - 5,000 nutlets per weed sprout - before it takes us all over. Make poison ivy, poison sumac, poison hemlock, & poison oak illegal; add them to the noxious weeds list.

3- War On Homelessness. Build lots of new tiny houses; tent cities with police protection in the meantime. Use city-owned vacant buildings for housing. Eminent domain the vacant lands & buildings of absentee landlords.

4- Create jobs. 1 idea - Put up lots of solar trees to make new outside green & socially conscious businesses think we have it going on here, like we really know what we're doing, to encourage them to set-up shop.

5- Citizen's complaint & oversight board. Keep body cameras. Require them to be on the whole time. Require police have their own personal insurance. Stop 1 year probationary period for new police recruits.

6- Start Sweden's Trash-2-Electric program here yesterday. Pueblo needs a Municipal Trash company anyways. Detroit's Landfill Companies buys Canada's trash, to pollute the ground water for nearby properties. They don't turn their trash into electricity. Neither does Pueblo City. Hell, lots of folks use our streets as their trash cans.

7- War On Poverty. [see attached]

8- Get rid of the Red Light Cameras. They're cheating people with shorter yellow lights; majority of the money goes to the corporation;, you can't face your accuser in court; you're being investigated w/o probable cause; tax on poor people in a hurry to get to work, who are nickel & dimed enough.

9- War On The War on Drugs; vote "no" on Garrison Ortiz's jail tax; Treatment Center or bust.

10- Universal Internet; Wifi mesh network; Fiber optics; War On The Digital Gap b/t 1% & 99%, b/t Rich & Poor & homeless; pass draconian laws on the Director of "MuniNet" preventing Pueblo City's Wifi Internet from being used as mass government surveillance.

11- Welcome Center for Marijuana Migrants; good way for new folks to orient themselves, & to learn all about the good down home country small town charm of Pueblo City.

12- Fuck no on strange mayor. Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) is better; preserve the sanctity of the Revolutionary idea of a CHARTER CONVENTION for eternity; towards a Charter Convention; a Strong Executive, Strong Legislative, & Strong Judicial city government.

13- Hire an aggressive arsenal of grant writers, to apply for every single grant offered by the State & the Feds.

14- Towards City/County Consolidation; root out wasteful redundant government spending.

15- A light for Ricky Muniz.

16- Radon Radiation study.

17- Water Quality study.

18- Form MuniTrash, MuniElectric, MuniNet, MuniGasoline, MuniMarijuana

19- Pro-Diamond Green Streets


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