A Light For Ricky Muniz

Should there be city lights, powered by solar, on the back alley where righteous good Samaritan Ricky Muniz was slain?

Should the annual State of Pueblo City reports (i.e. budget, policy, municipal code, charters, etc.) be written for laymen?

As 1 of 7 members on City Council, how will you distinguish yourself in order to get your voice heard?

What will you do to solve the homelessness epidemic?

Should poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, & poison hemlock be added to the noxious weeds list?

If pushed forth by one body, the Goathead Epidemic would be solved in one year. But should we do it?


1/4 ( 25%) of Pueblo City is poor, & has been poor for centuries.  How can we change this horrible & unnecessary trend? How much poverty can you tolerate? How can we lower it down to that level?

Should Pueblo City invest in beautiful cost-efficient Solar Trees for marketing, & for local folks to charge up their phones & laptops, & solar powered street lights?


Since there's no check on police authority, would you approve of a a brand new Citizen's Complaint & Oversight Board, to protect the good honest Andy Griffith/Frank Serpico cops, & whistle blowers, & to keep them all honest?

If it was possible, & PROFITABLE, should we turn our citizen's waste into electricity, electricity which we can use to power the electronics & lights in our homes, & maybe power our cars too, if we own electric cars?

Is it okay that the red light cameras are shortening their times in order to catch more folks trying to catch a light 1 second late, to raise more revenue for the city & the corporation who owns the cameras, mostly for the corporation for owns the cameras?

Should we end the War on Drugs?

Should we have municipal-owned citywide Internet?

Would you appropriate funds for a Welcome Center for newly arriving Marijuana Migrants in order to get new folks to orient themselves, & to learn all about the good down home country small town charm of Pueblo City?

Should we abolish Charter Conventions for eternity?

Are you in favor in Net Neutrality?

Would you rather have expensive 3 or 4 individual run-off elections, or would you rather have the cheaper 1-day-election of ranked choice voting, which is essentially 5 runoff elections in 1?

Do you believe in the Rule of Law?

Should the City hire an aggressive arsenal of grant writers, to apply for every single grant offered by the State & the Feds?

Do you believe the 3 branches of government is a sufficient check on tyranny? Should we have more, or less?

Do you want the City Government & the County Government to consolidate to reduce the redundancies?

~Citizens for Green Pueblo


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