Michael Stapleton, Austeritist Extraordinaire

Even Milton Friedman believed in some government, notably, the court system because he felt like the corporations needed a fair tribunal in which to resolve their differences. For corporations to be treated fairly, a court system is needed. For corporations to be protected, police & jails are needed. Michael Stapleton, Libertarian, believes in a government which governs least, or not at all. Stapleton wants government to be so small, he can drown it in a bathtub.

Courts - Cops - Jail. That's the basic 3 essentials of any run-of-the-mill Hobbesian Leviathan fascist government, who seeks to monopolize all of the violence . In some respects, you don't even need a rubber-stamping court. Just let the rogue domestic military forces run wild.

"Those who run forces are the same as those who burn crosses." ~Zach de la Rocha

That's the bare bones government Milton Friedman believes we need for his corporatist society. And of course, we'll pay for that government with taxes on the majority.

Many Libertarians believe that private property is so sacred, that they believe drone striking somebody stealing a bottle of liquor is okay (Rand Paul).

Milton Friedman wanted to increase exports, sell off all of the public assets, & privatize everything. Michael Stapleton is rightly opposed to Donald Trump. Michael Stapleton is rightly against the Forever War. Michael Stapleton is rightly against the War on Drugs. Michael Stapleton is rightly for prostitution. But Libertarian Michael Stapleton is wrong on economics. Even Nixon declared that we're all Keynesians now. Keynes was the economist who believed that government spending can help stimulate the economy. Of course it can. How does it not?

Michael Stapleton said that he's working towards enveloping everybody into his "common principles" ideology... he wants all of us to have common principles, like in a principled commune? Michael Stapleton is a Libertarian, a political party who is more greedy & selfish than the Republicans. Stapleton doesn't believe "life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness" for everybody. Stapleton only believes in liberty & the pursuit of happiness. For Michael Stapleton, Life, i.e. Universal Healthcare, is not guaranteed.

How about this principle Michael Stapleton? We all get together & pay our taxes for those goods & services which we as a society has agreed upon to provide for our people. You can call that the Masters principle. I want to keep taxes super low, but in general, I'm pro-taxes, & pro-government spending.

Michael Stapleton will oppose any & all public education & public healthcare spending. Even Republican Superintendent Joyce Ford Bales (2000-2006) was for Universal Education. Stapleton has specifically mentioned "Streets, Fire and Police" as being some government departments he would keep. But that sounds fishy to me. I can see a Libertarian argument against all 3 of those government spending projects. I bet he's kowtowing to the Fire Union there, & he probably sees how public streets are important for corporations & commerce. But he's slipping! In private, I bet Stapleton thinks we should pay for fire & police & court & jail services when we use them, and for streets to be paid for & paved by self-organizing community councils.

Michael Stapleton lied when he said "I'm not a politician", even though he's precisely a politician. A quintessential politician. Step 1 in becoming a politician: run for office. Once your name is on the ballot, then you're a politician. Saying "I'm not a politician" is a great rhetorical trick politicians like to use to fool their dumbass sycophants.

But let's assume Stapleton isn't lying now, then the 5 essentials of a Stapleton limited government are - Courts, Police, Fire, Jail, & Streets.

Let's call those the Stapleton 5. His pure Libertarian values are already eroding. As time goes on, I can see Michael saying that he's for EMS too. EMS & he may even lie some more, & say he's really for healthcare & education, though I believe his selfish anti-people mentality would prevent him from ever saying that he cares about everybody's education or health. And for now, EMS was not on Stapleton's list of essential government services.

Michael Stapleton is against democracy, or "the will of the majority" as he puts it. Stapleton said this: "As a City Council, we should represent the People, consider and address their concerns at every turn, not just follow the will of the majority, but value the voice of individuals, and our business community." Stapleton's main concern isn't about homelessness, or poverty, or getting a well-educated populace. Stapleton's main concern is to oppose the majority of the people of Pueblo City. Stapleton looks at Pueblo City & he sees that the people have too much power, & that we shouldn't "just follow the will of the majority". Michael Stapleton is against "the will of the majority" of the people, which is odd, because most of the time, the majority in Pueblo don't even vote. It's always been tyranny of the minority here. Democracy is rare in Pueblo City.

Michael Stapleton is anti-democracy. Democracy is "rule by the people", and without a voter turnout rate that beats the >50% threshold, there's no democracy to speak of to begin with. There's zero chance of Michael Stapleton caring about democracy. His biggest fear is "the will of the majority", i.e. "rule by the people". 

I can see a day when the people of Pueblo get their chance to enjoy their day in the Sun.

"Be brave, fearless, and loyal to the common people." ~William Justus Goebel

It's ironic that Michael Stapleton sees the "will of the majority" as being the main problem of Pueblo City since he's currently running for office. Michael Stapleton needs the will of the majority of District 1 to vote for him... so he can oppose them all!

Michael Stapleton is right when he says the "opoid (sic) & heroine (sic) problem" is a "medical issue, not a criminal issue". Stapleton is right to be opposed to the War on Drugs. But his solution is wrong. Stapleton isn't calling everybody in the community to pull together & to help addicts because he cares. Read between the lines. Michael Stapleton wants everybody else to work on the addiction issues because Michael Stapleton doesn't want the City to pay for a treatment center, when a treatment center is the path Garrison Ortiz should have taken Pueblo. Pueblo County already has a jail, & they want another one. Pueblo City on the other hand is proposing that we send shoplifters to Douglass County because the City doesn't have their own jail. I'd be for a jail for Pueblo City, but I don't want the County to have another jail. The direction Pueblo City needs to go towards, is one of love & compassion, towards a treatment center, but away from another jail.

Fuck Garrison Ortiz's Jail. Pueblo City needs to invest in a Treatment Center. That's the direction Pueblo City needs to go.

Ending the War on Drugs would free up 1/2 of the County Jail.

The Stapleton 5 are - Courts, Police, Fire, Jail, & Streets. Stapleton wouldn't mind privatizing everything, selling off the parks, the airport, the golf courses, the buses, the zoo, whatever public lands the City may own, etc. Jason Munoz is big on infrastructure. I can see Michael Stapleton defunding infrastructure, as well as public education & public healthcare, & dissolving all of these city departments: 1) Finance; 2) Personnel; 3) Purchasing; 4) Public Works, 5) Parks and Recreation, 6) Aviation, 7) Planning and Community Development, 8) Housing and Citizen Services; 9) Wastewater; 10) Storm Water; 11) Transit, &; 12) Information Technology.

All but the Law & Police Departments. Vote for Stapleton... he's going to drain the swamp! At least as an austeritist. He'll sell Pueblo City Parks off to the Russians (who currently own the steel plant), & the abandoned houses & buildings that the City owns & controls, instead of housing the homeless, he'll sell those off to the Chinese. Maybe Canada will get our airport, & Mexico will get our water works & our golf courses. Stapleton will sell off as many government assets as he can possibly get away with, & privatize any services the government offers (such as water & sewage).

Michael Stapleton doesn't mention a Citizen's Oversight Board for the police. Tommy Farrell is in favor of a Citizen's Oversight Board. The police police us, but who polices the police? I wonder if Stapleton has any answers for that. I doubt it.

Free-market anarchism leads towards corporate despotism, & fascism is when corporations & government morph into 1. In Stapleton's World, if we want any safety at all, we all better incorporate ourselves, because free-market corporatism is on her way.


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