Past & Current Massacres

George Washington ordered Sullivan to wipe out 40 Iroquois towns in northern New York in 1779. 

1850. 150 - 200 innocents killed in the Bloody Island Massacre of Pomo natives in Clear Lake, Lake County, California in 1850.

1864. 165+ innocent Cheyenne & Arapaho killed at the Sand Creek Massacre in 1864 in Kiowa County, Colorado.

April 13, 1873. 153 innocent Black men were slain in the Louisiana Colfax Massacre on Easter Sunday.

1890. 150 Lakota innocents killed at Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890 in South Dakota.

1898. 60 innocents massacred in the Wilmington, North Carolina race war.

May & July 1917. 40 African-Americans killed in East St. Louis.

1919. 200+ innocents killed in the Elaine, Arkansas massacre in 1919.

1921. 300+ innocents killed in the 1921 Tulsa race riots. Machine Guns & Dynamite being dropped from airplanes happened.

January 1923. Rosewood Race War. 150 innocents killed in Rosewood, Florida when mobs of racist whites killed black folks. The unrest began over a false accusation that a Black man raped a white woman.

February 1968. Tet Offensive, 543 Americans killed, 2547 wounded.

March 16, 1969. My Lai Massacre. 500+ were murdered by US ground troops from Charlie Company of 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, 11th Brigade, 23rd Infantry Division (the Americal Division) carry killing more than 500 Vietnamese civilians from infants to the elderly.

1998. 10s of thousands innocent Sudanese killed by Bill Clinton's bombing of al-shifa factory in Sudan in 1998.

May 25, 2012. 108 innocents are massacred in Taldou, Houla, Syria.

April 15, 2014. 400+ innocents are massacred in the town of Bentiu, in the northern part South Sudan.

November 2015. 137 innocents killed in the Paris attacks.

2015 - 2017. 30,000 Yemenis killed in the 2015 US war in Yemen.

March 17, 2017. St. Patrick's Day. 276 innocents in Mosul bombed to death by US forces.

March 18, 2017. 500 pound bomb is dropped on Syria by a US drone. 46 innocents dead.

March 20, 2017. 84 Syrian civilians, including 30 children, are bombed by the US war machine.

July 2017. The Bakassi Fishermen Massacre. 97 fishermen were killed in oil-rich Bakassi by the Cameroon government. The US has boots on the ground in Cameroon & Nigeria.

September 15, 2017. 100+ innocents killed in Syria by international bombings.

September 2017. Global Warming Massacre. 163 Americans were killed from Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, & Maria.

September 2017. Cops kill 82 Americans.

September 2017. 400 Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar killed. Children beheaded.

October 1, 2017. US cops kill 6 Americans.


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