The Inherent Right of local Home Rule 1

"A chartered city, county or municipality is one that possesses a unique set of laws that forms the legal foundation of its local system of government. The actual legal document that articulates these laws is called a charter. Charters stand in relationship to a county, city, village or town the same way that a state constitution does to a state or a federal constitution does to a nation. They define the powers and functions of elected officials as well as the organization and procedures of local government."

The Athenians called their democratic "city-state" a "polis", because they were referring to the body of citizens - the white male landowners - who ran the Athenian city-state as one collective democratic political assembly.

Athens is the first democracy in the world. Athens consisted of the City of Athens & the surrounding territory of Attica. Democracy was born in City of Athens, cradled by the Land of Attica.

Trinidad in the "lost souls" county of Las Animas is a Home Rule Municipality, as is Pueblo City. Pueblo City ain't no bitch ass statutory town. We run our own village here.

Colorado Springs, Fountain, & Manitou Springs in El Paso County are all Home Rule villages too.

Canon City in Fremont County & La Junta in are Home Rule villages too.

Colorado has 100 home rule villages, including Denver & Boulder.

Pueblo City was a "home rule" charter city in 1911 before Article 20, Section 6 gave "home rule" cities constitutional protection & authority & standing in 1912.

In 1903 & 1904, Pueblo City's strong Mayor was B.B. Brown. B.B. Brown would eventually get hit with over 200 indictments.

The 21st & 23rd Mayor of Pueblo City was John T. West. Abraham Lincoln Fugard led Pueblo City as Mayor between John T. West's non-consecutive terms.

As the 23rd Mayor, John T. West would be Pueblo City's final Mayor in 1911.

In November 1911, Pueblo City voted for her own charter. 1911 was the year of Pueblo City's 1st Constitutional Revolution.

"In the 1911 city elections, Puebloans surprised leaders by electing Democrat John T. West as mayor over highly favored A. T. King. The voters also elected only two of eight Republican alderman despite The Chieftain running a full-page, pre-election section on only the Republican candidates." (

"Voters also approved the charter convention, which was the first step toward forming a commission form of government." (

A Commission-style of government is a government that combines the executive & legislative branches.

Pueblo City in 1912 was being ran by 5 Commissioners: Thomas D. Donnelly, Thomas A. Duke, CA Lannon, Victor Prevost, & JK Burton.

On November 5, 1912, Coloradoan voters adopted Article 20, Section 6, which created "Home Rule" powers for those cities who voted to incorporate themselves for a charter, including Pueblo City.

5 Commissioners would be dwindled down to 3 Commissioners in Pueblo City in 1914.

The United States has "two governments", which are "completely separate & almost independent", explains Alexis de Tocqueville in Chapter 5 of "Democracy in America". Per Alexis, the Federal Government is the exception, & the Government of the States is the rule. "In short, there are twenty-four small small sovereign nations, whose agglomeration constitutes the body of the Union." The Government of the States fulfills "the ordinary duties" & responds "to the daily & indefinite calls of a community". The powers of the Federal Government are "circumscribed within certain limits & only exercising an exceptional authority over the general interests of the country".

Denver is a Home Rule City. Denver houses the State Capitol of Colorado. Washington D.C. is a City that runs itself. Washington D.C. houses the U.S. Capitol.

Washington D.C. has no voting representation in Congress.

Denver, Pueblo, & Washington D.C. are all sovereign cities, yet, I'm supposed to believe that DC & Denver have greater inherent & natural authority over Pueblo City, than Pueblo City itself?

GTFO here.

If 1 singular City in Colorado can claim to have power over 64 counties in the entire State of Colorado, & if singular 1 City in DC can claim to have power over 50 States, 5 national territories, & over 1,000 military bases around the world, then Pueblo City can claim the authority to rule herself.

"Pueblo" is a Spanish word which means village and/or people.

All power goes to the people. All power goes to Pueblo. Democracy is a government Of, By, & For the people. Democracy is a government Of, By, & For El Pueblo - the people, & the people of that village.

If there's only 1 leader in a democracy, then that's not a democracy. That's a monarchy. Monarchy = Rule by 1. Democracy = Rule by the People. Voting for a monarch is voting our democratic power away.

If I lived in Catalonia, I would have voted secession too.

"If the municipal bodies were made powerful & independent, the authorities of the nation might be disunited and the peace of the country endangered. Yet, without power & independence, a town may contain good subjects, but it can have no active citizens." ~Tocqueville, ("Public Spirit of the Townships of New England", Chapter 5,  "Democracy in America")

Which came first, Denver or Colorado?

Colorado became a US State in 1876. Denver City voters approved Denver City in 1860, 16 years earlier.

Some folks may point out that a "State of Jefferson" existed before Denver City, but that's incorrect. In 1859, the first Constitution for the "State of Jefferson" was rejected by the voters. The second Constitution in 1859 was for the "Territory of Jefferson", which was approved.

Denver City was formed in 1860, 1 year after the free Territory of Jefferson was formed.

Did Denver City come from the Constitutional Conventions in Denver City regarding the Territory of Jefferson? Probably, but since a Territory isn't a State, & the Territory of Jefferson no longer exists, there's plenty of doubt to the "state-iness" of the Territory of Jefferson.

Maybe there's some doubt about which came first between Denver City & Jefferson Territory, but there's no doubt about which came first between Colorado & Denver City.

Denver City voters approved themselves into existence in 1860. Colorado State would become a state 16 years later.

9 Colorado Cities That Existed Before Colorado (1876):

San Luis, founded April 9, 1851;

Boulder, settled 1858;

Leadville (formerly Oro City), founde 1859;

Breckenridge, 1859;

Blackhawk, 1859;

Fairplay, 1859;

Alma, 1860;

Denver City, founded 1860;

Pueblo Township, 1870;

Confederates & their sympathizers made the struggle of getting Colorado to statehood ridiculously hard.

In 1864, the 1st Constitutional Convention approves Colorado's 1st proposed Constitution, but the Coloradoan people rejected it by a vote of 1520 to 4672.

In 1865, the 2nd Colorado Constitutional Convention adopts a 2nd Constitution of the State of Colorado, & this time, the voters approved it. Andrew Johnson, the shittiest US President ever, however, refuses to adopt Colorado into the United States nation.

In 1866, US Congress approves a Colorado Statehood Bill, but Andrew "Dickhole" Johnson vetoes it.

In 1867, US Congress approves a 2nd Colorado Statehood Bill, but President "Bitchface" Johnson vetoes it, again.

In 1869, Ulysses S. Grant becomes the 18th President of the United States, which gives hope to the Colorado statehood hopefuls, but Congress fails to pass a 3rd Colorado Statehood Bill.

In 1871, the US Congress fails to pass a 4th Colorado Statehood Bill, again.

In 1873, again, Congress fails to pass a 5th proposed Colorado Statehood Bill. In his 5th Annual Message to Congress, in 1873, Ulysses S. Grant endorses a second Enabling Act for the State of Colorado.

In 1875, the 2nd Enabling Act for the State of Colorado is enacted by Congress & signed into law by Ulysses S. Grant; Colorado voters elect delegates to the 3rd Colorado Constitutional Convention.

In 1876, the 3rd Colorado Constitutional Convention in Denver adopts a 3rd Constitution of the State of Colorado. This state constitution, our current state Constitution, was inspired by the 3rd Constitution of the State of Illinois drafted in 1870, the 4th Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania drafted in 1873, and the 3rd Constitution of the State of Missouri drafted in 1875. The Colorado Constitution was, and still is, one of the lengthiest of the state constitutions of the United States.

On July 1, 1876, by a vote of 15,443 to 4039, Colorado voters approve the 3rd proposed Constitution of the State of Colorado.

On August 1, 1876, President Ulysses S. Grant proclaims that the Territory of Colorado has been accepted into the Union as the State of Colorado, the 38th American State, the Centennial State.

In 1870, Pueblo was a nice quaint & humble township being ran by 5 trustees, including James Rice.

In 1871, Germany is founded.

In 1873, the Pueblo township adopted the tyrannical Mayoral system. James Rice becomes the 1st Mayor of Pueblo City in 1873. Pueblo City will go on to have a total of 23 Mayors.

1876 is when the US adopted Colorado State & her Constitution.

Pueblo City & Denver is older than the State of Colorado & the Country of Germany.

Democracy is literally of, by, for the people. We the American people instituted a republic - with the principles of democracy, of representative government, of civil liberty, and of the tripartite separation of governmental power - in order to destroy the hereditary monarchy.

At any moment in time, we may need you the citizen to be the Mayor, or the dogcatcher, or an auditor, & you, the citizen, should be ready to accept to take any of those jobs, for the community's sake. Everybody should be ready to help out the village.

"It is natural to a republic to have only a small territory, otherwise it cannot long subsist." ... "In a large republic, the public good is sacrificed to a thousand views; it is subordinate to exceptions, and depends on accidents. In a small one, the interest of the public is easier perceived, better understood, and more within the reach of every citizen; abuses are of less extent, and of course are less protected." ~Charles de Montesquieu (from "spirit of laws, chap. xvi. vol. I [book VIII]") as quoted by Brutus I

Pueblo County is 1 of 64 counties in Colorado. The Pueblo County Courthouse is located inside of Pueblo City. Colorado City has just over 2,000 citizens. Pueblo West has a population of about 30,000, Pueblo City 107,000, Pueblo County 165,000.

Colorado City & Pueblo West have enough citizens to adopt their own brand spanking new Charter.

In 2017, the City of Pueblo paid $72,000 for an air conditioner for Elmwood Golf Course Country Club.

Pueblo County has an elected Sheriff. Pueblo City has an appointed Police Chief.

Pueblo's Sheriff Department gets $34 million. Pueblo Police gets $28 million. $62 million total.

Pueblo City's government is made up of 7 elected City Council members (3 at-large & 4 districts), who hire & fire the chief executive, the City Manager. Pueblo County has a Commission form of government. Pueblo County is ran by a triumvirate of 3 elected County Commissioners, who represent both the legislative & the executive branch.

Citizens in Pueblo City vote for County officials, but citizens in the county do not vote for city officials or issues.

The County runs the elections. Smaller towns can submit ballot questions to the County for their specific respective citizens to vote on.

Pueblo City is a home rule city. Pueblo County is an administrative unit of the State.

In 2017, there's 12 candidates running for city council, 5 candidates running for the City School Board, & 4 ballot questions for Pueblo City.

Pueblo County added a County Jail tax question.

The fire department is trying to undo TABOR restrictions in Pueblo West, and there's some other district-specific ballot questions as well.

The Water Board, Civil Service Commission, & the County School Board were all non-competitive races. 21 of Pueblo City's last 23 Water Board & Civil Service races have been non-competitive.

Pueblo County has an operating budget of $171 million. Pueblo City has a budget of $82 million. Their budgets combined is $253 million.

Pueblo City Schools (D60) have a $131 million budget. Pueblo County Schools (D70) operate a $106 million budget. Their budgets combined is $237 million.

Pueblo County operates the biggest budget ($171 million). 2nd is D60 schools ($131 million), 3rd D70 schools ($106 million). Pueblo City has the smallest budget out of them all.

All of their budgets combined is $490 million.

Of the $82 million budget of Pueblo City, Pueblo Transit gets $5.2 million, & Memorial Airport gets $1.8 million.

The top 4 budget items for Pueblo City are: 1) police; 2) fire; 3) public works, &; 4) Parks & Recreation.

Parks & Recreation gets 6% of Pueblo City's budget. The Public Works Department gets 9%.

Pueblo City's "Waste Water Enterprise" gets $22 million. "Stormwater Utility" gets $3 million. Internal Service Funds gets $6 million.

Over $40 million of Pueblo City's budget goes towards public safety. Over 1/3 of the budget goes to the Pueblo Police Department. Pueblo Police get $28 million (34%) & Pueblo Fire get $16 million (20%).

In 2017, 54% of Pueblo City's $82 million budget goes to public safety.

In 1984, City Manager Fred Weisbord gave the Sperry Corporation $8 million of Pueblo City's money.

In 2017, the City of Pueblo paid $72,000 for an air conditioner for Elmwood Golf Course Country Club.

Here's a list of 12 city-states ("micro-states") around the world today:

1- Singapore

2- Monaco

3- Vatican City

4- Hong Kong

5- Macau

6- Dubai

7- Abu Dhabi

8- Qatar

9- Brunei

10- Kuwait

11- Bahrain

12- Malta

San Marino is a small state with high population densities. San Marino lacks a large urban center, a characteristic of traditional city-states. San Marino is a "city-state" the same way Pueblo County is a "city-state".


"The township of New England is so constituted as to excite the warmest of human affections, without arousing the ambitious passions of the heart of man." ~Tocqueville, ("Public Spirit of the Townships of New England" chapter in "Democracy in America")


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