Forecast of D60 Schools

D60 Schools are Totalitarian, 100%, completely totalitarian. There's no Freedom or Democracy there, and that's precisely what I want: a school that values Freedom & Democracy, from the top-down.

Dennis Maes, the John Quincy Adams of Pueblo City, Mr. Old Skool, & Taylor Voss, the Garrison Ortiz of D60, Mr. New Skool are 2 new faces on the 5 member board. The humble Obama, Kenny O'Neal, was booted out. Pueblo City's humble Obama didn't use his 5 months on the skool board to turn the failing skools around, so Pueblo City's 16% - the winning majority voters out of a generous gestimate of a 31% turnout rate - went with chicano Mr. Old Skool & caucasian Mr. New Skool instead of humble Obama. Pueblo City is made up of 2% Black, 44% Hispanic, 54% White, and the voting reflected that.

Maes & Voss will have to work with Fuhrer Macaluso, and as long as she's Chief Executive of D60 schools, my kids won't go there. Charlotte Macaluso

One study came out that said after 6 years of "education" in D60 schools, the students' scores went down, meaning, they got dumber. Going to D60 schools will make your kids dumber. Charlotte Macaluso was Principal of Risley Middle School for 6 years, and that failing school was taken over in 2017.


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