On The Origin of the "Fighting Words" Doctrine

Order of Events:

1- On April 6, 1940, Walter Chaplinsky, a Jehovah's witness Christian, was on a sidewalk - a public sidewalk - in downtown Rochester, New Hampshire, peacefully passing out "The Watchman", the literature of his Christian sect, & preaching the Holy Word of the Good Book of the Lord.

2- While Walter Chaplinksy was on that New Hampshire sidewalk, peacefully passing out religious literature, he was attacked, multiple times.

3- Some people verbally battered him because they didn't like Jehovah's witnesses, and their principle of not saluting the flag.

4- One anti-Jehovah's witness (Rochester Man #1) attempted to attack Walter Chaplinsky in full view of James Bowering, the town marshal, an ex-semi-pro football player.

5- James Bowering did not arrest Rochester Man #1, but James Bowering instead warns Walter Chaplinsky that Walter was in danger.

6- After James Bowering left, a Rochester man (Rochester Man #2, ["Bowman"]) attempted to impale Walter Chaplinsky with a flagpole.

7- While Walter Chaplinsky was pinned against a car by Bowman & the flagpole, other "members of the crowd" - Rochester Man #3 & Rochester Man #4, at least - struck him.

8- James Bowering returns to Chaplinsky's corner, yelling "You dont believe in saluting the flag? ... "you son of a bitch!" ... "You unpatriotic dog!", while attacking Walter Chaplinsky with several body blows.

9- James Bowering then begins pushing Walter Chaplinsky in the street, towards the police station.

10- As Walter Chaplinsky was being pushed by James Bowering, James & the mob kept taunting Walter Chaplinsky & insulting his Christianity.

11- Walter Chaplinsky, after he was attacked many times, by several Rochester men & the Rochester marshal - nearly speared by a flagpole - and was being pushed to the police station, responded by calling James Bowering a "goddamned fascist", as James Bowering's complaint alleges.

12- Walter Chaplinsky refutes the "goddamned" part, because he would never call the Lord's name in vain, but Walter Chaplinsky admits to calling James Bowering a "fascist", or "an agent of fascism", and others, such as Priests, "racketeers".


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