The 74 Total Rights & Freedoms All Coloradoan-Americans Have

1) Slavery is banned (Amendment 13 (US)); Right to Never Be Enslaved; Involuntary Servitude is denied, unless you're convicted of something (Article 2, Section 26 (CO)).

2) Right of Contracts is Absolute (Article 2, Section 11 (CO)); Right of Contracts; Congress can't pass any "Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts" (Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1 (US)).

3) All citizens have equal protection of The Law (Amendment 14 (US)).

4) Natural Inherent Human "God-given" Rights are always protected (Amendment 9 (US)), (Article 2, Section 28 (CO)).

5) Freedom from Standing Armies in all of the 50 US States; None of the 50 US States can "keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace", without the consent of Congress (Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3 (US)).

6) Civilian authority must always control the military; the military must always be subordinate to civilian authority (Article 2, Section 22 (CO)).

7) Freedom from War; only Congress has the power to declare war per "The War Powers Clause" (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 (US)).

8) Freedom from Wars of Aggression by any of the 50 US States, "unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay" (Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3 (US)).

9) Right to deny Soldiers your own house for their quartering, during peacetime (Amendment 3 (US)); No quartering of soldiers in our homes; "no soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war except in the manner prescribed by law." (Article 2, Section 22 (CO)).

10) For Civil Cases with matters over $20 in controversy, a Right of Trial by Jury is protected (Amendment 7 (US)).

11) The Right to Peaceful Protest, against "the powers of government" by petition, or by demonstration, or by a forcefully reproachful protest, aka "remonstrance", shall always be protected (Article 2, Section 24 (CO)).

12) Right to Petition (Amendment 1 (US)), (Article 2, Section 24 (CO)).

13) Right to enjoying & defending life (Article 2, Section 3 & Section 25 (CO)), (Amendment 5 & Amendment 14 (US)).

14) Right to be paid for any of your property the government takes over (Amendment 5 (US)); On Eminent Domain; Private property cannot be taken away unless the owner consents to it in all cases, except "for private ways of necessity, and except for reservoirs, drains, flumes or ditches on or across the lands of others, for agricultural, mining, milling, domestic or sanitary purposes." (Article 2, Section 14 (CO)); Private Property taken by Eminent Domain must be paid-for by a fair market value; "compensation is determined by a board of commissioners, of not less than three freeholders, or by a jury," as the owner demands; whether or not private land is needed, is a Judicial Question (Article 2, Section 15 (CO)).

15) Freedom from Confederates; Confederates are banned from serving in the American government (Amendment 14 (US)).

16) For American adults over 21 years of age, The Right to Drink Alcohol remains absolute, eternal, & inviolate (Amendment 21 (US)).

17) The Right to be An American by Birth Right; If one is born on US soil, then that person is an American, & is entitled to all Privileges & Immunities of American citizenship (Amendment 14 (US)).

18) The Right to Due Process is sacred, & shall be liberally construed (Section 2, Section 25 (CO)), (Amendment 5 & Amendment 14 (US)).

19) Right of Habeas Corpus ("that you have the body"; the right to have legitimate charges leveled against you in the right jurisdiction), except in the case of rebellion or invasion (Article 2, Section 21 (CO)); the Right of Habeas Corpus; The people's right of the Writ of Habeas Corpus is protected from Congress (except in cases of rebellion or invasion) (Article 1, Section 9, Clause 2 (US)); Right to be told of the charges, for the accused in criminal cases (Amendment 6 (US)); Right of Habeas Corpus (Article 2, Section 16 (CO)).

20 & 21) Freedom of Speech & Press (Amendment 1 (US)); "every person shall be free to speak, write or publish whatever [he] will on any subject, being responsible for all abuse of that liberty"; "The Truth" is the only proper defense for libel cases, & a jury of a court will determine if it be libel, or Truth. (Article 2, Section 10 (CO)).

22) Right to Peacefully Assemble a group of American citizens (Amendment 1 (US)); the Right to Peacefully Assemble in large groups "for the common good" (Article 2, Section 24 (CO)).

23) Freedom from Religion; specifically, Freedom from Religious Tests for all offices in all of the USA (Article 6, Clause 3 (US)).

24) Freedom from State Religion (Amendment 1 (US)); No State Religion; "No person shall be required to attend or support any ministry or place of worship, religious sect or denomination against his consent. Nor shall any preference be given by law to any religious denomination or mode of worship." (Section 4, Clause 2 & 3 (CO)).

25) Freedom from Titled Nobility; "No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States"; "No State... shall grant any Title of Nobility." (Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8 (US)), (Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1 (US)).

26) Right to Keep & Bear Arms (Amendment 2 (US)); Right to Bear Arms; "The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned", BUT "carry concealed" is not a right (Article 2, Section 13 (CO)).

27) Freedom of Religion (Amendment 1 (US)); Freedom of Religion; "no person shall be denied any civil or political right, privilege or capacity, on account of his opinions concerning religion" (Section 4, Clause 1 (CO)).

28) Freedom from Being Convicted by Legislature, Congress or States; Bills of Attainders Forbidden; Presumption of Innocence protected; Congress & States are forbidden from passing Bills of Attainders (ie convictions without trial) (Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3 (US)) (Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1 (US)).

29) No Ex Post Facto Laws (ie passing a law making something that was legal prior to the law, illegal) (Section 11 (CO)); Ex Post Facto Laws forbidden; Congress can't convict you for an alleged "crime" committed before the law was passed; Congress & States are forbidden from passing ex post facto Laws (Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3 (US)), (Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1 (US)).

30) The Right to Property Shall Be Forever Protected (Article 2, Section 3 (CO)), (Article 2, Section 25 (CO)), (Amendment 5 & Amendment 14 (US)).

31) No State Tariffs on Exports; No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State (Article 1, Section 9, Clause 5 (US)).

32) Right to be Secure in our persons, papers, homes and effects; Right to be protected from Unreasonable Searches and Seizures (must have warrant, signed by a Judge, with a list of specific spots & items to be searched for) (Amendment 4 (US)), (Article 2, Section 7 (CO)).

33) Right to have a Grand Jury Indictment before Capital punishment can be imposed (except for military; Amendment 5 (US)); Right to Be Indicted First, before being charged with a Felony (Article 2, Section 8 (CO)).

34) Ban on Double Jeopardy (Amendment 5 & Amendment 7 (US)); Right to be Free from Double Jeopardy; except "If the jury disagree, or *if the judgment be arrested after the verdict*, or if the judgment be reversed for error in law, the accused shall not be deemed to have been in jeopardy." (Article 2, Section 18 (CO)).

35) Right to enjoying & defending liberty (Article 3, Section 3 (CO)), (Article 2, Section 25 (CO)), (Amendment 5 & Amendment 14 (US)).

36) The Right of having American leaders being free from foreign influence; "Emoluments Clause"; any American "Office of Profit or Trust" ... "without the Consent of Congress" ... cannot accept any "present, emolument, office or title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign state" (Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8 (US)).

37) Freedom of Sea Commerce; Ships can choose any port or harbor on any coast of the US that they choose for docking (Article 1, Section 9, Clause 6 (US)).

38) Freedom from taxes of State-to-State Sea Commerce (Article 1, Section 9, Clause 6 (US)).

39) Freedom from the Secretary-of-the-Treasury Abuse; No money can be drawn from the Treasury, except that which Congress appropriates (Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7 (US)).

40) Right to be an American in all of the States. "The Citizens of each State each shall be entitled to all Privileges & Immunities of Citizens in the several States." (Article 4, Section 2 (US)).

41) State Freedom to Coin Silver & Gold. All 50 States are allowed to coin their own silver & gold coins (Article 1, Section 10 (US)).

42) The Right to Vote for Senators by Popular Vote (Amendment 17 (US)).

43) Right to have a maximum 2-term Presidency (Amendment 22 (US)).

44) Ban on Poll Taxes (Amendment 24 (US)).

45) The Rights of Crime Victims to be Heard; anybody who is a victim of a criminal act, "or such person's designee, legal guardian, or surviving immediate family members if such person is deceased," has a right to be heard in all critical stages of the criminal justice system (Article 2, Section 16a (CO)).


46) Right to Defend Thyself (Article 2, Section 16 (CO)).

47) For criminal cases, right to be confronted by the witnesses against them (Amendment 6 (US)); Right to have those Witnesses accussing you meet you face-to-face (Article 2, Section 16 (CO)).

48) Right to compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in one's favor for criminal cases (Amendment 6 (US)); Right "to have process to compel the attendance of witnesses in *his* behalf" (Article 2, Section 16 (CO)).

49) Right to a Lawyer, for the State's accusations (Amendment 6 (US)); Right to Counsel (Article 2, Section 16 (CO)).

50) Right of Trial by Jury is "inviolate in criminal cases"; For criminal cases, the Right to a Speedy & Public trial "by an impartial jury" in the court of proper jurisdiction (Amendment 6 (US)), (Article 2, Section 16 (CO)); For Colorado, except criminal cases not in courts of record, or in civil cases; in civil cases & criminal cases not in courts of record, juries may be less than 12 individual citizens; 9 of 12 members of a Grand Jury can issue indictments; General Assembly can abolish the Grand Jury (Article 2, Section 23 (CO)).

51) Right to Remain Silent (Amendment 5 (US)); Right to Remain Silent; One does not have to testify against oneself (Article 2, Section 18 (CO)).

52) No Excessive Bail, No Excessive Fines, nor Cruel, nor Unusual Punishments can be administered to the convicted (Amendment 8 (US)); (Article 2, Section 20 (CO)).

53) Right to Know How Public Monies Are Spent; "A Regular Statement & Accounts of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time (Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7 (US)).

54) Freedom from Eternal Immunities & Corporations; The General Assembly can pass special privileges, franchises, or immunities, but they all are revocable; "No irrevocable grants of special privileges, franchises or immunities, shall be passed by the general assembly" (Article 2, Section 11 (CO)).

55) Colorado's General Assembly is forbidden to declare Felonies or Treason (taking up arms against Colorado, or the US, & having 2 witnesses observing the same) (Article 2, Section 9 (CO)).

56) Only the Treasonous One Gets Punished, Not Their Families; "no conviction can work corruption of blood or forfeiture of estate" (Article 2, Section 9 (CO)).

57) Rights of the Self-Suicided; "the estates" shall be treated the same as "in cases of natural death" (Article 2, Section 9 (CO)).

58) Right to Bail, with large sums of Cash, unless it's a Crime of Violence, or above (Article 2, Section 19 (CO)).

59) Landowners Have a Right to vote or petition on any proposed annexations (Article 2, Section 30 (CO)).

60) Right to Home Rule (Article 20 (CO)). 

61) Right to have excess Taxes Returned to the People (TABOR) (Article 10 (CO)). 

62) Right of Initiative (Article 5, Section 1, Clause 1 & 2 (though Clause 2.5 restrict the people's Initiative) (CO)).

63) Right of Referendum (Article 5, Section 1, Clause 3 & 4a (CO)).

64) Right of Recall (Article 21, Section 1 (CO)).

65) Liberty of Conscience (but not "licentiousness") (Section 4, Clause 1 (CO)).

66) Women have the same rights as men (Article 2, Section 29 (CO)).

67) Right to seek & obtain Happiness (Article 2, Section 3 (CO)). 

68) Right to Safety & Security (Article 2, Section 3 (CO)).

69) Right to Fair Elections; "All elections shall be free and open; and no power, civil or military, shall at any time interfere to prevent the free exercise of the right of suffrage." (Article 2, Section 5 (CO)).

70) All Americans over 18 have a right to vote (Amendment 15 & Amendment 19 & Amendment 24 & Amendment 26 (US));

71) Aliens Have The Same Property Rights As Native Born Citizens (Article 2, Section 27 (CO)).

72) Right to Use Our Courts For Ourselves; "Courts of justice shall be open to every person, and a speedy remedy afforded for every injury to person, property or character; and right and justice should be administered without sale, denial or delay." (Article 2, Section 6 (CO)).

73) Debtor's Prison is Illegal; "unless upon refusal to deliver up his estate for the benefit of his creditors", or "in cases of tort or where there is a strong presumption of fraud." (Article 2, Section 12 (CO)).

74) Right to Revolution, so long as it's "necessary" to our "safety and happiness", & "not repugnant to the constitution of the United States." (Article 2, Section 2 (CO)).

For the American freedoms, I scanned the 27 Amendments & I scanned through the body of US Constitution, and extrapolated them out. For Colorado's protected freedoms, I depended on the freedoms listed exclusively in Colorado's Bill of Rights, which is Article 2, but not the body of Colorado Constitution (except for a few freedoms I just so happened to know, ie TABOR, Right of Home Rule, among others).


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