The Farce of Saint Patrick's Day

There's disagreement b/t who Saint Patrick even is. During the 400s AD, there were two "Patricks" in Ireland... a Patricious & a Palladius... which one is the real Patrick? IF there was an actual Patrick, then he genocided lots of native Irish, black, brown, non-Christians, & druids. The snakes have been gone from Ireland for thousands of years, the last Ice Age took care of them, that wasn't Patrick, no fkn way. Perhaps the "snakes" were the native Irish he genocided, in his Irish Inquisition quest.

Patrick also is reported to have resurrected a horse, AND a giant. But not 2 princesses, who happened to die mysteriously right after he Baptized them. Did he kill them? Maybe, maybe not. He definitely didn't resurrect them like he did that giant, or that horse. And why was he talking to them while they were bathing anyways?


Dred Scott was born on March 17. Dred Scott is much more worthy of a person to celebrate. People celebrate holidays that celebrate genocide, a nation at war, who allows thin blue line murders, are shocked when there's a mental breakdown.

22 Killed At Manchester Arena Bombing (compared to 278 killed in Mosul on St. Patrick's Day 2017):

He Genocided Black, Brown, & All of the Native Irish Druids:
Genocidal maniac:

Fuck Saint Patrick & His Stupid Day: 

"Saint" "Patrick":

Saint Patrick? More like Skank Patrick;

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