Gradisar's French-style Runoff Election Proposal Shitted On By Several Mayoral Candidates

Nick Gradisar: "Alright. So this is the question my committee told me not to answer anymore, but I'm going to have to, have to, anyways. I've been... city council... to not to do runoff elections, which is in the charter that the Pueblo people voted on (sic). So, my judgment, my opinion is, that they have to have a runoff election. That's what, uh, what the people voted on. If nobody in the 1st election in November gets a majority, then 30 days later, or whatever it was, there should be a runoff among the Top 2 candidates. The system that they're talking about now, I don't think its possible to do that, because it's possible that somebody other than... - & I don't think the city council is talking about it; it's the County Clerk that's talking about it - would allow somebody who wasn't in the Top 2 to perhaps win the election. Lots of studies have been done about this system, & you will find out more about it, but uh, um... My judgment is that they have to have a runoff, uh, b/c that's what the people voted for. Now whether its going to be 30 days after the election, or some time in January, I guess, really doesn't really make any difference, but they will have to have a runoff election between the Top 2."
Image result for jackie masseyJackie Massey: "I just want to disagree with [Nick Gradisar]. I think we can go to Ranked Elections, probably. I think we finally have the chance to create the balance. Honestly, the 45 days for the veterans to get their absentee ballot is important. I think the Ranked Elections allows everybody to be able to participate. & I'll be honest, Ranked Elections favors the Non-Insiders, okay? Now obviously there's going to be some people who sit on city council that doesn't want Ranked Elections. & I will warn you, Ranked Elections will bring the people out to get them to vote for somebody that will represent them for their Mayor."

[Janet Wilson then mentioned that another runoff election will cost Pueblo City an unnecessary $100,000, plus some other stuff.]

Gary Clark: "I think I want to make a quick point. The ranking system, I am in favor of. We owe it to our veterans who go out for our protection, they go out at night, to sleep at night, in the same box, in the snow, freezing, eating MREs & so forth, we owe that to them. Especially the ones who come back with no legs, no eyes, amputees, purple hearts, & so forth, we owe that to our veterans."

Larry Atencio: "I'm opposed to Ranked Choice elections or IRV or Preferential Voting, or whatever you want to call them, b/c I'm a follower, & b/c I hate democracy & I hate the Pueblo people. I do not like democracy b/c I do not want the Puebloan people to have the power, I have the power, and I like the power, & I want to keep that power, so, yeah, the Puebloans are all a bunch nobodies, nothing, but a bunch of fk'n cheese eaters."

1st Postmodern Mayor's Forum
Ryals Room, Rawlings Library
Pueblo City, Colorado, USA
Johnathan Masters
April 21, 2018


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