Pueblo's new Strong Mayor is Pueblo's 1st Postmodern Mayor, not Pueblo's 1st Mayor Ever

Nick Gradisar agreed with me when I said that the new Strong Mayor is going to be Pueblo's 1st Mayor in the modern Era, but I don't agree with me.

Currently, we're in the Postmodern Enlightenment Internet Millennial Information Era (PEIMIE).

Pueblo's new Strong Mayor of 2019 - 2024 will be Pueblo's 1st Mayor of the Postmodern Era.
Nick Gradisar seems to be careful in describing this upcoming "first Mayor of Pueblo", & he knows there's been 21 Mayors prior. I wanted to make a note about that terminology, about what's right & correct & true regarding Pueblo's new Mayor, and what's not, because too many folks are repeating the lie that this new Strong Mayor will be Pueblo's "1st Mayor", which is patently false.

The City of Pueblo has had at least 21 Mayors. The new Mayor taking the gauntlet will be Pueblo City's 22nd Mayor, total, I think, but not in terms of regimes. There's been 23 mayoralships, or regimes, because 2 of Pueblo's early Mayors had non-consecutive terms (John T. West & Charles Henkel). James Rice was Pueblo's 1st Mayor, beginning in 1873. James Rice was one of the Trustees who had ran Pueblo City since 1870.

Since the total # of Mayors sounds better & is easier to understand, than 23 regimes, I think saying Pueblo's new Mayor will be "the 22nd Mayor" is better.

In 2017, 18% of Pueblo City narrowly voted for a change in the current system of government, changing it from a City Manager system into a Mayoral system. The 10 page >70+ changes language of the new "Strong Mayor" system (which makes no sense, since the City Manager was very "strong", ie authoritarian) deletes "City Manager" out of the 1954 Pueblo Charter, & replaces it with "Mayor" instead. Sam Azad, who has ruled over Pueblo City for the past 5 years, lost his Empire. The City Manager's office, by November 2018, will cease to exist, and while I opposed the illegal & unconstitutional "Strong Mayor" ballot question, & still do, regardless if I win my court case, a Mayor is on its way. If I get my way, then the change that is called "Strong Mayor" will become a consolidated Revolution underneath a brand spanking new central governing document, for a Municipality, one of the 1st Home Rule Cities in the USA.

Here's a list of the 1st 8 Mayors of Pueblo City:

James Rice, 1st Mayor; 1873 - 1875;
John R. Lowther - 2nd Mayor
Mahlon D Thatcher - 3rd Mayor
Weldon Keeling - 4th
William H. Hyde - 5th
GQ Richmond - 6th
John H Warneke - 7th
TG McCarthy - 8th; 1885-1886;

John T. West was Pueblo's last mayor in 1911. He was Mayor #21, or #23, depending on how you count it.

B.B. Brown was the Mayor of Pueblo for 2 years, 1903 & 1904. BB Brown would get hit with over 200 indictments, which may mean that BB Brown was the most corrupt Mayor in Pueblo's history, OR, BB Brown was the most honest man in Pueblo's history, who was opposed by a corrupt establishment who needed to lynch him for opposing them.

In terms of total number of persons, there's been 21 Mayors previously, and that's it... I think. I faintly remember reading somewhere that after 1911, with the Commissioner System, there was a ceremonial "Mayor" position that continued on after John T. West, that was eventually phased out by the City Manager in 1950... but I faintly remember it, from an old newspaper clipping.

So now what?

For now, I'm going with 21 Mayors, because that's what I know to be at the very least true, & "21 Mayors" also smashes the whole "1st Mayor of Pueblo" thing, which isn't true, even though it's being repeated everywhere, in the corporate media, amongst other politicians, etc. Pueblo's new 2019 - 2024 Strong Mayor definitely isn't the very 1st Mayor of Pueblo. In terms of tenures, of change of offices, there's been 23 mayoralships, ie 23 regimes.

It's fair to say that this upcoming Mayor is "the 1st Postmodern (or Modern) Mayor", or the "1st 5 year Mayor", or the "new Mayor", or "new Strong Mayor", or the "22nd Mayor" (which I believe to be correct, with the massive amount of reading I've done on this subject, though I could be wrong, as stated above).

There's no doubt that Pueblo has had at least 21 Mayors. This new Mayor isn't the 1st Mayor of Pueblo, not at all. The new Strong Mayor of Pueblo City will be the 1st Mayor of the 2000s, the 1st Mayor in the Internet Era, the 1st Mayor in the Postmodern 2nd Enlightenment Era, or Pueblo City's 1st 5-year Mayor, but not the 1st Mayor of Pueblo City.


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