A Power Map for Pueblo

Federal US Government Power Map

Kolorado Government Power Map

Pueblo County Power Map

Pueblo City Power Map

Who runs Pueblo? Well, the short answer, the government does. The County & City government. Who controls them? How effective are they? idk But that's where this analysis begins. With the all-American 3 branches of government. 

Here, in Amerika, even tho 75% of Amerikans don't know this, but we have 3 branches of government. This is key. This is vital. Even corrupt Judges must keep this in mind. There's 3 centers of power, for every governent established in Amerika. It's arbitrary, but it's on purpose as well, in order to prevent tyranny. 

Each level of government - county, city, federal, & state - has to divide themselves into the Legislative, Executive, & Judicial Branch. In the most simplest terms, to understand "Pueblo Law", one must understand these 12 centers of power. One must understand who has what power, & who doesn't, & who gets the power that isn't picked up & claimed. 

Just to serve as a very basic model, let's forge ahead, & figure out in whom those centers of power lie. At least on paper, this is how Pueblo's governing class ought to organize themselves.

This will also serve as a Control model for how things ought to be, versus how they actually are. This is my attempt at answering the question, "Who runs Pueblo?"

I have added a 4th "Police Branch" to these 12 centers of power b/c the 3 Branches of Government do not effectively check & balance the police. The police branch works for the Executive Branch, but that's only if the head of the Police Branch & the head of the Executive Branch understand how the 3 branches of government works in Amerika.


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