Janet Wilson Vetoes $25 Million Minor League Baseball Stadium For Owls

Janet Wilson was opposed to it on principle from the beginning. Garrison Ortiz was opposed to it. Tom Croshal was opposed to it too, but only after he was for it (a flip-flop, or was it evolution?). $25 Million ain't no joke. & for the Minor Leagues!?! GTFO here. Literally.

"I'm sorry. No baseball here," said Janet Wilson, 2 months ago, at the May Mayoral Forum. 

Now, today, as of July 18, 2018, no baseball is coming.

Until a Homeless Shelter is Built, Pueblo City is Sick of the Bullshit. With 23 Mayoral candidates scrutinizing the problems of the City, only the greatest & most necessary ideas may progress here. How can anybody with a conscience work on Luxurious ideas when Priority issues are being completely ignored? We have no Homeless Shelter. We just got a government-Recycling Center. How about Affordable Home Ownership anybody? Savings & Loans establishments, to encourage Home Ownership, to make for better Citizens, anyone? Hello? Is this thing on? Am I the only person who watched "It's a Wonderful Life"!?!

"Things that plague our city will not be fixed by a baseball stadium." ~Janet Wilson

22-year old Wayne Daniel Broska was shot in the head, & killed in the Bessemer neighborhood of Pueblo City, on the basketball court of JJ Raigoza Park, on the 600 block of Maryland Avenue, on July 13, 2018, just before 1am. Nobody knows anything about this. He was found dead at 1am w/ a gunshot wound to the head. Broska didn't have a weapon on him. When Wayne Broska was found at first, he was found in critical condition, but eventually was pulled off of life support, & declared dead at a hospital. 

"If your information leads to a felony arrest, you could be eligible for a cash reward." Bessemer is a poor area of town, known for gangsters & drugs & random wanton violence against women, especially prostitutes, & forgotten by the powers-that-be.

Wayne Daniel Broska is the 5th Homocide of Pueblo City in 2018. No weapon has been found, no arrests have been made, and police have no new leads. Call Pueblo Police or Pueblo Crime Stoppers at 719-542-7867 if you know anything.  

Random searches on the Internet says that a "Wayne Broska" is currently housed at the Otero County Jail, which may be a mistake, & could indicate Wayne was in jail at one point. Here's a phone number to follow that up: 719-384-5941.

One webpage says that Wayne Daniel Broska is a registered Democrat, who didn't vote in the last election, who lived on 2761 Santa Fe Drive, Pueblo, CO. His phone number was 719.561.7782. He registered to vote on March 19, 2015, over 3 years ago. Wayne Daniel Broska's Precinct was 3356251103. His Precinct Split was 103.07. His Congressional District was the 3rd Congressional District. His House District was State House District #62. His Senate District is State Senate District #35.

Wayne Daniel Broska may be affiliated with a Gaylene Ruth Purcell aka Gaylene Ruth Hughes aka Gaylene Ruth Broska. That may be his mother. Other names that the Internet generates in connection with Wayne Daniel Broska is Aimy Lynn Meads, Amanda L Salazar, Brandi Arlene Bean, Jesse J Varelabroska, & Kelly J Broska. 

Jerry Pacheco, the local Dictator of a board or court or tribunal or something called the Urban Renewal Authority, & told the Pueblo Chieftain by email that Jeff Katofsky is saying "Fuck that Minor League Baseball Stadium... if the Puebloan taxpayers don't cough up the $25 Million to build me a stadium for free, well, shoot far... I'll just find me another stupid small town to fleece later on, on down the line," or something like that. It wasn't released publicly, so we can only imagine what it's contents contained. 

Outgoing Pueblo County Commissioner of District #3 Sal Pace, the main proponent of the project, didn't comment to the Queeftain about Jeff Katofsky, & on why he wanted to build a huge $25 Million stadium for Owls. Jeff Katofsky was frustrated with how long it took Pueblo City to cough up the $25 Million. Plus, it could be a power move. So Pueblo City will beg for Katofsky to come back. Jeff Katofsky also bitched about how the YES project & Walmart distribution plant & the Budweiser plant all flamed out. 

Gary Clark was neutral on the Minor League Baseball Stadium for Owls. 

While the question asked about "Downtown development", the baseball/softball field was implicated, tho Lopez & Clark didn't seem to realize that. Ted Lopez wanted more downtown development, & so did Gary Clark. 

Tom Croshal pointed out that a 1995 pro-baseball team played at Runyen Field, & they only lasted for 1/2 season. 

"I'm not in favor of [the baseball field]. We've spent lots of money on the Convention Center..." Janet Wilson likened the present situation in Pueblo City to having some guest come over to your house, and there's heroin needles all over the place, & prostitutes, and thieves, and trash... Janet Wilson rhetorically asks: "Is your guest going to come back?" "...there's bullying in school..." ... "$6200/month" ... "we spend so much money for consultants, we might as well let the consultants be the politicians."

On Municipal Electric, Nick Gradisar seemed to go back & forth on it, in a recent interview. Nick said he was for "the study" of it, as if he didn't really support it, but then later admitted that he was, indeed, for the Municipalization of Electricity. Nick said that we couldn't start from scratch, & that we would have to at least buy Black Hills' local Distribution system, & that could be a hefty price tag. Nick didn't know anything about Municipal Internet or Solar Trees, so he couldn't answer any questions about them. So he needs to go research those. Nick asked if Muny Internet offers the Internet for Free for the City, which, yeah, it could. But realistically, very cheap Internet is just as good as a prospect, in terms of progress, of advancing from where we are right now.

Nick Gradisar said he drove a Hybrid car, & that he was committed to renewable energy. He admitted that less than 1% of the homes in Pueblo City have solar panels on them. 

Solar trees are highly customizable, so Pueblo City can put whatever battery they want into their Solar Trees. Some solar trees are hooked to a skyscrapers power system. Others are to the ominous "the grid" itself. Some Solar Trees are equipped to provide excellent Wifi Hotspot connection zones (say, for Muny Internet).

Gradisar bragged about how "they're" developing Solar panel shingles right now. While Gradiar wouldn't commit to building any Solar Trees, he seems to be very curious about the infinite potential of the Technology Generation. 

When we were talking about solar panels, Nick mentioned that if you live in Pueblo (County or City? both?), that you MUST be on the grid. Nobody in Pueblo City or County is "off the grid"? All of the homeless are, & the illegals. Plus, others, I'm sure. Perhaps there's a law... all must sign up for Pueblo Water? All must buy from Black Hills, no matter what? Can we buy from Excel? Are we all trapped in here, like rats!?! 

When I asked if neighbors could sell the electricity they collect w/ their solar panels on their rooftops, he said he couldn't comment on that. When both Occupy & the Tea Party agree on something, I'd say with 99% certainty, it's a good idea. I wonder if he'd let me sell me rainwater to my neighbors. I can't be sure. 

"Who's building the stadium? It's coming out of the county's funds (and they were trying to use 1A funds but changed it when resistance surfaced. And that means we're mortgaging the future. On top of that, we're projecting income that's most likely over-inflated. Why don't we wait and see if 40,000 people (the estimates by PURA) yearly, come here because we expanded the convention center, and put in a bull riders university. Let's see how that pans out, then see if the people of Pueblo believe in our leaders and their "estimates." Because in the end WE will own the stadium and if the league bails WE own the maintenance and the operating expenses." ~Janet Wilson

"You are not your thoughts. You are not your past. You are not your inauthentic self. You are not your negative conditioning. You are beautiful. You are kind. You are love. You are the positive possibilities you can dream of." ~John Crawford

Steve Nawrocki & Lori Winner are reactionaries to Gradisar's Mayor referendum. In their minds, they thought, "Sure, we'll let you have your precious Mayor... but only because, we're going to become the Mayors ourselves! Bahahaha!" 

Can't some local artist engineer these Solar Trees into existence? As humans, we're artists. My favorite artwork is the practical, the utility of it, the usefulness of the idea. Working sewers, & water lines, & the Internet... now that's Art!

What's it take? Just get some big ass solar panels, the huge square ones, so that when it's suspended in air, it'll shade a ton of space. Carports, or Shelters at the park. Solar Canopies. Sentence fragments. Freedom. Justice. The American Way.

To build a Solar Tree, just add a bit of concrete here, bend some steel there, a lil fabrication here, a lil welding there, wham, bam, thank you ma'am, you got a fancy smancy inexpensive Solar Tree in the midde of the desert, provoking the shit out of the curiousity of Elon Musk & Jeff Bezos, as they charge their laptops & cell phones for free, thinking of what they can use Pueblo City for. 

"A life truly lived constantly burns away veils of illusion, burns away what is no longer relevant, gradually reveals our essence, until, at last, we are strong enough to stand in our naked truth." ~Marion Woodman

Janet Wilson points out that: "Baseball is also seasonal, with temperatures sometimes exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Who is going to line up to sit in the hot sun?" For Janet Wilson, "cleaning up our city" is a higher priority than building huge collesiums for a game where folks hit a ball with a stick, & run around in a circle. Janet Wilson also wants to see more Music & Art stuff, more Technology stuff, & more Recreational Centers, especially for those not sports inclined. Janet Wilson was "CFO for a minor league" herself, & she said that only 80 seasonal jobs were created, w/ 20 permanent staff positions. "It's expensive and takes a lot to sell tickets and fill seats," said Janet on Facebook. "I do recall the reason they're leaving Utah was because the city would NOT invest because the revenue wasn't there. So what makes Pueblo politicians think we will fill seats and hotels here?"

On July 20, 2018, Janet Wilson posted this on her Facebook page:

"Jimi and I were up and out by 6:30 this morning to go hack down a few weed trees and clear ground weeds. Half hour later we were already sweating from the heat. Today’s going to be 99/100 so it’s a good day to stay cool. On the way back from the lot we saw the police and a drug squad taking down some criminals in handcuffs. Boy they’ve been busy over here. A special task force was set up to tackle crime, gangs, prostitution and drugs. Nice job Pueblo Police DEPT.! Oh, Apparently we have a skunk loose by the media house. Yikes."

"I'm sorry, no baseball here." ~Janet Wilson

"I love when Janet Wilson speaks truth-to-power." ~Jackie Massey

"We need to clean up our house first." ~Janet Wilson


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