The Kyrgyzstan Cutthroat 2-Round Postmodern Mayoral Election of Pueblo City, 2018, Carries On

Ultimately, what do I want? I want the poor kids of Pueblo City to have a chance. 3-year old Willie, the son of a Bessemer prostitute, doesn't stand much of a chance, as things currently stand.

Hope for the Best. Expect the Worst. Best is Superman Goldman MLK Ghandi. Worst is Mao Laden Hitler Stalin.

"We need to grab the levers of power." ~Jackie Massey

Jackie Massey drew a line in the sand w/ a strong "we need an anti-establishment person to be our Mayor" opening speech in the July 11th Postmodern Mayor Forum of 2018, the 4th one of its kind, on the 4th Floor of the Rawlings Library. Massey is for Muny Electric & Muny Internet for the citizens of Pueblo City.

Do not be fooled by the 3 progressive planks on the Kingfish's platform - Ombudsman, Muny Electric, & the War on Poverty - Nick Gradisar is the establishment candidate, the conservative Republican, in this race. While he's technically a major Democrat, if the Owners of Pueblo City want continuity, Gradisar will have to be their man. As the President of the Chamber of Commerce, he's the de facto leader of the Business Community. That's Republican. 

Like a right-wing Republican, Gradisar too doesn't believe we can help the 866 local Pueblo homeless kids. Sorry 3-year old Willie, the son of a Pueblo prostitute, Nick Gradisar won't help you. And even Gradisar's "War on Poverty" doesn't have any progressive teeth to it. Gradisar is going with the Flores Plan of "Eekconomic Development" (which saying should be peenalized), namely a Minor League Baseball Stadium that'll cost the Puebloan taxpayers $25 Million.

I think we can eradicate homelessness, or at least, put it on the outskirts of town (see "The 5 Point Plan"), but Nick Gradisar doesn't even think "alleviating" homelessness is a possibility. & since the Democrats are Republicans now, & Republicans are batshit frothing-at-the-mouth insane, we Amerikans need to realize that we don't have any opposition party. Both parties are for the 1%, the bankers, wars, empire, corporations, especially over the interests of the homeless, poor, & working masses, & the good half of the middle class, the ones who give a shit, the ones who vote on behalf of the poor.

If the Democrats don't give 2 fly'n fux about the poor, or the homeless, then who does? Not giving a damn about Pueblo's born & raised & created & uneducated & unhealthcared & unsheltered is quite Republican, wouldn't ya say, Nick? 

Where will Nick Gradisar find the $500 Gazillion American greenback dollar bills yall to build his Pueblo/Gradisar Muny Electric Plant? Is Larry inflating that, b/c isn't it only like $500 or so to file articles of incorporation? That's all one needs to begin the Muni-Electric of Gradisar & Mob Boss Company. Pueblo Solar, LLC. 

The New Skate Park in the East Side happened b/c Larry Atencio got it for his people.

James Rice in 1873 was Pueblo City's 1st Mayor ever. That Mayoral position was elected. & since it was a Chief Executive position, James Rice was a Strong Mayor, who introduced Pueblo City's 1st Water System.

Sarah Ferguson of Fox21News doesn't know Pueblo history, & is perpetuating lies, i.e., "fake news", when she claims that Pueblo's 1st Postmodern Mayor is actually "Pueblo's first-ever mayor" in her headline: "Eight candidates in the running to be Pueblo's first-ever mayor". 

Peter Roper claimed in a November 8, 2017 "Pueblo Chieftain" article that: "The first Pueblo mayor will serve for five years, while all subsequent terms will be for four years." ... "Gradisar said the new mayor could hire a professional administrator - like Azad - to run the city, day-to-day."

Peter Roper again claimed the "1st Mayor ever" lie by suggesting that Lori Winner might become Pueblo's 1st Mayor in a March 3, 2018 Queeftain Article. James Rice is rolling over in his grave, especially since he was the first person to bring a water system to Pueblo City. "Winner's term ran out in December, but now she's jumping into the race to become the city's first mayor."

Ryan Severance again repeated these lies in a Pueblo Chieftain May 1, 2018 article. Severance wrote: "A candidate who said he will do the job for free is the latest person to join in on the race to be Pueblo's first mayor."

John R. Lowther is Pueblo City's 2nd Mayor, governing Pueblo City during the last year of Reconstruction in 1876, the same year Kolorado became an Amerikan State.

Mahlon D. Thatcher was Pueblo City's 3rd Strong Mayor, running 1877 Pueblo City. 

Weldon Keeling was the 4th Strong Mayor of 1878 Pueblo City.

The powerful Chief Executive position of Mayor was killed with the passing of the New 1911 Charter, even though the Mayor played a ceremonial role for decades later. John T. West was Pueblo City's last Strong Mayor. I'm not sure who the very last Mayor of Pueblo City was. Pueblo City has had at least 20 Strong Mayors

Park & Rec Employees in Pueblo City can be Deputized to make arrests (Section 13-4 of Pueblo City's current Charter). 

Dennis Flores is so right-wing, he makes Republicans look like Communists.

"The type of mayor we need isn't going to get the job done by sitting behind a desk. The Mayor we need is a General who fights with their soldiers, there, first hand, on the frontlines." ~Charlotte Perez, paraphrased

The Story of Pueblo's 1911 Charter is here

"What is Larry Atencio doing for the homeless, the people on drugs, or the prostitutes on 4th Street?," Charlotte Perez asks. "How come Larry doesn't even take care of his own properties on the East Side?"

On the new Skate Park Atencio got for the East Side, Charlotte wrote: "He was ok with putting that park just 2 blocks away from all the chaos on the east side..."

"If the municipal bodies were made powerful & independent, the authorities of the nation might be disunited and the peace of the country endangered. Yet, without power & independence, a town may contain good subjects, but it can have no active citizens." ~Tocqueville, ("Public Spirit of the Townships of New England", Chapter 5, "Democracy in America")

Tom Croshal called for it first. Charlotte, & Ebony Lee, the Homeless Mother of 15, both agreed. Track the Homeless w/ IDs. RFID tracking could be right around the corner. A Homeless Registry, to help them? or to exterminate them? Social Security was almost stopped b/c of that: Americans aren't just some number to be tracked. Perhaps w/ credentials, Pueblo City's homeless will become our "official" homeless. 

Ebony Lee Lombardi, a 42-year-old mother of 15 children, is a shocking & well-meaning, yet disappointing, new candidate. On the issue of homelessness, I thought since she's experiencing it firsthand, she would have more dynamic, novel, or progressive ideas... at the very least, Ebony Lee, if she's got any political prowess whatsoever, will finagle herself a home - a permanent housing structure, instead of a shoe - out of this campaign run. At least 21 of these candidates, maybe 22, will need to figure out their life's "Plan B", in case their Mayoral dreams don't pan out. Nick Ayers should angle himself to be the head of the new Municipal Internet Department under Gradisar, for one example. Or under Atencio. Or Massey. Or Wilson. Or Rickwalt. Or Hammerstein.

Police Courts are guaranteed Constitution powers for Pueblo City, per the Home Rule Amendment, Article 20, Section 6. Police Courts are key for getting Citizen Compliant Authority Boards. Citizens would be leading the Police Courts, which would be the Court of 1st Appearance, giving citizens first dibs at determining whose a criminal & whose not.

A citizen of Pueblo loves the East Side Skate Park that Larry Atencio brought over. "Having that park right there,", the citizen said, "in the middle of the chaos, has been a really good thing. I've been over there a lot. I've organized and attended festivals there. There's another free festival there this Sunday, the 22nd, from noon. With the Community Center and the Gym there as well. It's a great place for young people to stay engaged in productive activities. There isn't a lot else for people to do over there, so I consider it a critical difference between a lot of kids being active in a sport or active in a gang."

Here's 13 suggestions for Larry Atencio, a current City Councilman, can do to help the Eastside of Pueblo City out of it's abysmal rundown depressing self:

1- Yes, get needle exchanges all over the city. At least, at the 5 points of the city - the points of a star drawn around the outskirts of the city - where the Big Rocky Candy Mountain homeless shelters are going to be built on 1 or 2 acre lots. There can be a A Main Homeless Person Office that all Homeless people can go to, downtown & centralized, to get them all to where they're going. Larry Atencio can legalize all drugs, and let the Big Rock Candy Mountain sell the hard drugs, in order to pay for themselves. Larry Atencio ought to push to get needle exchanges all over the city, like at the 5 Star Points, at the Big Rock Candy Mountain Shelters, which would work well w/ their legitimate Heroin & Crack Business. 

2- Larry Atencio could have invested in waste-to-electricity yesterday. 

3- Massey's Rotating Dumpster idea just sounds like a fun August. Let's designate a day of rebirth for a Fall Festival, & burn all of this gd'd trash. Cleaning up Pueblo City would help bring that hometown pride & passion back to Pueblo City. 

4- Use the profits from Muny Internet to build the 5 Big Rock Candy Mountain Shelters. 

5- Get Muny Internet. 

6- Start building a shitton of Solar-Powered Tiny Homes, & Solar-Powered RV parks, & Solar-Powered affordable transitional housing, & nicely regulated Solar-Power suburbs. 50% of Germany's rooftops have Solar Panels on them. Here in Pueblo City, you'd look like the arrogant fool, king of Idiocracy land, w/ Solar Panels on your rooftops. 

7- Larry Atencio can condemn buildings per Article XX, Section 1 & City of Thornton v. F.R.I.C.O 1978, & take all of these shitty dilapidated wannabe trap houses, & pass them out to the homeless folks. And poor folks too. 

8- We can get good numbers on the homeless situation. I've seen some numbers as low as 2,000, as high as 15,000... what is it? How many is local? That one study came out, & said the marijuana migrants are coming for their families, or because of a problem they're running away from, & few came for the Medicaid expansion. Do we have good numbers on the empty houses & buildings of this city & county? The county has an Assessor & Surveyor... does the City? How good is the Land Titling here in the City? In the County?

9- LBJ had a "War on Poverty" platform. Declare a War on Poverty. That's a start. 

10- Start Public Works programs. Huey Long called for a guaranteed minimum income. That solves poverty. That, & land reform, if anybody's being serious about eradicating poverty. The poverty rate of Pueblo City is 18% generally, & an appalling 25% for our children. 1 out of 4 of Pueblo City's children have been given the death sentence of poverty, & nearly 1 out of 5 of all adults too. 

11- Larry could freeze rent rates. Larry could institute Savings & Loans institutions, that's dedicated to getting as many Puebloans affordable home ownership as they can. 

12- Instead of spending $25 Million on a Baseball Stadium, Larry Atencio could pass $50,000 out to 50 great business ideas submitted to the City. Larry Atencio could call for the shutting down of PEDCO, to reinvest it better, locally, using the same concept. Jumpstart young entrepenuers here with some seeding money. Small businesses are where most jobs are created anyways. 

13- Larry Atencio had a chance to fix our electoral system, but instead voted against Instant Runoff Voting, & for Kyrgyzstan's 2-Round Cutthroat Electoral Death Match. He could vote for a fair electoral system to make it fair for all of the Pueblo to get their working-class hands on the levers of power. 

Here's 18 ideas I had from last year. We got our Diamond & Emerald Encrusted Streets. At least the tax got passed. The guy who got it now works in Colorado Springs.


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