89 Rights & Freedoms Coloradoan-Amerikans Do Not Have

a·poth·e·o·sis - əˌpäTHēˈōsəs - noun: 

-the highest point in the development of something; culmination or climax.

-"his appearance as Hamlet was the apotheosis of his career"

-the elevation of someone to divine status; deification.

"All beings tremble before violence. All fear death. All love life. See yourself in others. Then whom can you hurt? What harm can you do?" ~Buddha

Right is Right no matter if nobody does it. 

Wrong is Wrong no matter if everybody does it.

"I hope you guys never go through a toxic relationship. Don’t give someone years of your life who won’t lift a finger to make you happy. Don’t stay with someone who hurts you, or manipulates you. And Don’t ever, ever let them blame you for their issues. Date grown women, not girls." ~Noah Léveillé

The best way to get over somebody is to get under somebody else. ~Appalachia

freedom from Discrimination is greatly expanded in South Afrika's & Bolivia's Constitution (Article 2, UDHR). No Discrimination Against Anybody: The state may not unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone on one or more grounds, including race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, ethnic or social origin, color, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language and birth [South Africa, ss 9.3] ... color, gender identity, nationality, citizenship, ideology, political affiliation, or philosophy, civil status, economic or social condition, type of occupation, level of education, disability, pregnancy, and any other discrimination that attempts to or results in the annulment of or harm to the equal recognition, enjoyment or exercise of the rights of all people. [Bolivia]

Courts Must Protect Bill of Rights & Freedoms as liberally as can be construed, without infringing on other's rights & freedoms.

Here's 49 OTHER RIGHTS & FREEDOMS we Coloradoan-Amerikans do NOT have [many copied from Bolivia's & South Africa's extensive Bill of Rights]

42- Right to one's own body, including prostitution, drugs, & gay sex. Ban forced sterilization, torture, forced amputation, chemical castration, & corporal punishment. We have an inherent natural Human Right "to security in and control over their body" (South Africa, ss 12). 

43- The Right to Potable Water, the Elixer of Life

44- The Right to Life, including the Right to Warmth, Oxygen, Food, Sanitation, Clothes, Shelter, & Security

45- The Right to Information (ie Right to a Computer & the Internet)

46- The Right for Amerikans to use our own Amerikan Courts

47- The Right to Occupy National, City, State, & County lands, including the Right to Oil, Gas, & Mineral Rights on those lands

48- Outright Freedom from War, all War, except during Revolutions

49- The Right to Form, Exercise, & Control Political Power

50- Prohibit Presidents from pardoning their Predecessor(s)

51- Freedom from Police Brutality & Excessive Force (Citizen's Complaint Authority, so even those who Enforce the Law must abide by the Law, even the Police must follow the same Criminal Justice System everybody else is forced to submit to; Yearly Training & Examinations)

52- Right to Work in a Safe & Sanitary worksite, w/ fair labor practices

53- The Right to Cocaine (Article 384, Bolivia): "the State shall protect native and ancestral coca as cultural patrimony, a renewable natural resource of Bolivia's biodiversity, and as a factor of social cohesion; in its natural state it is not a narcotic. Its revaluing, production, commercialization, and industrialization shall be regulated by law." — Fourth Part, Title II, Chapter Seven: Coca, Nueva Constitución Política del Estado (p. 89) (Bolivia)

54- The Right to Form Polical Parties (Article 26, Bolivia)

55- The Right to Internet & Net Neutrality

56- The Right to sue any corporation or government for injury in all 50 states via federal courts (ie repeal the 11th Amendment)

57- The Right to the Freedom of Movement, within our respective State, around all 50 US States, & the world. "Everyone has the right to leave the Republic. Every citizen has the right to enter, to remain in and to reside anywhere in, the Republic. Every citizen has the right to a passport." (South Afrika, ss 21). 

58- Worker's Rights

59- Tenant Rights

60- Children's Rights (ss 28, South Afrika Constitution); "Children have specific rights inherent to their development; to the satisfaction of their needs, interests and aspirations." (Art. 59, Bolivia)

61- The Right to a Pure & Direct Democracy and/or Instant Runoff Voting 

62- The Right to Play

63- The Right to Organize 

64- The Right to Unionize

65- The Right to Strike

66- Freedom from Crime, Terrorism, or Intimidation

67- The Right to Productive, Political, Social, Economic & Cultural Development (Art. 60, Bolivia)

68- Freedom from Unfair Competition & Monopolies (FDR)

69- Freedom From Gerrymandering

70- Freedom From The Electoral College

71- The Right for Paper Trails in Elections

72- The Right to Collective Bargaining

73- The Right of the Separation of Church & State

74- The Right to Justice

75- The Right to the Rule of Law 

76- The Right to Trade

77- The Right to Be Hugged & Loved

78- The Right to Land; Private Land Ownership is Limited to 1,000 acres

79- The Right to a Basic Income

80- The Right to Sewer Systems (Art. 20, Bolivia) 

81- The Right to Propane Gas (Art. 20, Bolivia)

82- The Right to Telecommunication Services (Art. 20, Bolivia)

83- The Right to a Blanket, a Radio, a Gun, a Television, a Computer, an Automobile, & a Smart Phone

84- Right to Work for a Liveable Wage (FDR)

85- The Right to Health (Art. 20, Bolivia) and Medical Care (FDR)

86- The Right to Education (FDR)

87- The Right to Old Age Pension (aka Social security) (FDR)

88- The Right to be Cool, especially during peak heat Summertimes

89- The Inviolable Right of Self-Defense

89- Freedom from Poverty

"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."


"[T]his nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom - and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." ~Abraham Lincoln, November 19, 1863

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." ~Anne Frank?, or Anonymous


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