Jackie Bryan Massey's Progressive Platform Planks:

Jackie Bryan Massey's Progressive Platform Planks:

*will implement Instant Runoff Voting by Executive Order in 1st 100 Days
*For Trash Crisis: Rotating Dumpsters; Guy in Pick-up Truck;
*Use Tax-Liened Houses to help alleviate poverty
*increase City Lift services
*use non-biased software for better, more fair, more judicious, more diplomatic, contractor picks;
*implement Waste-2-Electricity (Sweden/Grand Junction Model)
*pro-Municipal Electric 
*reduce # of Executive Sessions
*Community Police Stations
*Citizen's Complaint Board
*Enforce Ethics Laws
*VOTECH -strategic creation of job skills and skilled workforce
*support small business & small industry & start up companies
*maintain small town charm of Pueblo City
*Muny Wifi Fiber Opticks Internet
*build a government-owned Homeless Shelter
*pass a Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) for the city
*Paint the City w/ bright happy colors
*allow City Unions to strike
*hire grant writers, aggressively go after every single grant available
*lift Pueblo City ban on Sunflowers; add clearly noxious weeds Poison Ivy, Sumac, Hemlock, Oak to the ban list
*protect the Marijuana industry
*more solar powered city lights everywhere
*more bike lanes everywhere


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