Pueblo City's 2017 General Election

Pueblo City School Board Race (pick 2, at-large, out of a field of 4)


Pueblo City Council Race (pick 2, at-large, out of a field of 7)

Charlotte Perez
5 Local Ballot Questions

1- tiny sales tax for Jenny Paulson's Small Army

2- 70 Amendments To Torpedo 1954 Charter ("Strange Mayor")
3- tiny sales tax for 24 more city cops
4- $1/month utility tax on our water bills for Diamond Green Streets

5- a 30-year 0.45% sales tax increase for Garrison's Ministry of Love (County jail & "treatment center", Ballot Question 1A)

41 Better Ballot Questions:

Pueblo City Council Race (District 1)


Pueblo City Council Race (District 3)

The incumbent of the Civil Service Board race, & the incumbents for the 3 Pueblo County School Board races (District 3, 4, & 5), were the only ones who turned signatures in, so those races are non-competitive.

A new Water Board member has emerged, Sandy Gutierrez. Sandy Gutierrez was the only person to turn her signatures in for James Gardner's old seat. Gardner declined to run again, & now Sandy Gutierrez gets her foot in the door of Pueblo's establishment. James Gardner, the humble, the Cincinnatus of Pueblo City, who got us 32% ownership in the Bessemer Ditch to increase our self-reliance... Pueblo City thanks you James!


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