Masters' Writings on Pueblo's 1st Postmodern Mayor

Amado Vigil, who has since dropped out of the race, won the 4th Postmodern Mayoral Forum of Pueblo City in July 2018

"Charlotte Perez, Nick Ayers, Janet Wilson, Jackie Massey, Amado Vigil, Tom Croshal, Ebony Lombardi, Gary Clark, Tony Pemberton, Steve Nawrocki, & Ted Lopez were there. Nick Gradisar eventually showed up, 30 minutes late, after speaking at a meeting w/ "employees"."

"Janet Wilson has said that the War on Drugs is a failure, which is more progressive than Jackie, who has only said that it's "overrated" in the past."

"Amado Vigil was a new face, & genuinely cares about the Homeless, & said he wanted a City-Owned &/or Constructed Homeless Shelter for Pueblo City. In his 1st 90 days, a Vigil Administration is going to start an Anti-Suicide squad on the police force. That's precise. That's specific. That very well could be the Luke Skywalker shot into the Death Star."

... "now, instead, we Puebloans are going to sink 21 of these 23 boats, of these self-appointed Saints & heroes of the people, in one day, in one moment, in one fell swoop, on November 6, 2018, at least 21 heads will be rolling..."

"As City Councilpeople, Larry Atencio, Lori Winner, Steve Nawrocki, & Dennis Flores all voted for the corrupt pro-Duopoly cutthroat 2-Round Kyrgyzstan Runoff election to be used for this 2018 Pueblo Mayor's election instead of having a perfect ideal democracy - IRV/RCV/Preferential Voting - for future Pueblo generations & ages. That's why all 4 of them need to be voted off of the island."

Right now, Chris Nicoll has the Power to Pardon the people of Pueblo City of Pueblo City crimes. In 2019, after the City Manager tyranny ends, the Mayor will have the Power to Pardon the citizens of Pueblo City for crimes committed against Pueblo's Municipal Code and/or Charter. 

Janet Wilson is against the War on Drugs, & she's for the "Municipalization of All Utilities". 

Charlotte Perez & Janet Wilson are rightfully in favor of The Rule of Law. 

"Nobody should be above the law." ~Janet Wilson

"Yes I am. Nobody is above the law. Including these corrupt police officers or corrupt elected officials." ~Charlotte Perez

"Janet Wilson's politics teeters b/t Libetarianism & left Libertarianism. But that's better than the Democrats, who are now Republicans, & the Republicans, who are now 3-headed Hydra/alien savages from Pluto/batshit insane imperialist racist psycho[land]."

On Dennis Flores & His Irrational Hatred of IRV

"Dennis Flores won 44% of the voters from the 35% turnout rate, and 44% of 35% is 15%. 35% isn't a majority. 44% isn't a majority. & neither is 15%. It's a plurality, & a weak plurality at that."

"Dennis "Mr. 15%" Flores is now pretending that Instant Runoff Voting (IRV), aka Preferential Voting, aka Ranked Choice Voting, doesn't guarantee a majority-supported victor. Dennis Flores is outright lying in order to blindly oppose IRV, for whatever mysterious reason."

... "IRV is used in many places - Telluride, Maine, St. Paul, Minneapolis, the Oscars, Ireland, India" ...

"Of course Dennis Flores will deprive future generations of Puebloans of a fair electoral system. He already doesn't give a shit that 1,000 children don't have a home to live in, so why would that Democrat care if they truly live in a democratic society?"

"Do not be fooled by the 3 progressive planks on the Kingfish's platform - Ombudsman, Muny Electric, & the War on Poverty - Nick Gradisar is the establishment candidate, the conservative Republican, in this race. While he's technically a major Democrat, if the Owners of Pueblo City want continuity, Gradisar will have to be their man. As the President of the Chamber of Commerce, he's the de facto leader of the Business Community. That's Republican."

"Like a right-wing Republican, Gradisar too doesn't believe we can help the 866 local Pueblo homeless kids. Sorry 3-year old Willie, the son of a Pueblo prostitute, Nick Gradisar won't help you. And even Gradisar's "War on Poverty" doesn't have any progressive teeth to it. Gradisar is going with the Flores Plan of "Eekconomic Development" (which saying should be peenalized), namely a Minor League Baseball Stadium that'll cost the Puebloan taxpayers $25 Million."

"I think we can eradicate homelessness, or at least, put it on the outskirts of town (see "The 5 Point Plan"), but Nick Gradisar doesn't even think "alleviating" homelessness is a possibility."

"John R. Lowther is Pueblo City's 2nd Mayor, governing Pueblo City during the last year of Reconstruction in 1876, the same year Kolorado became an Amerikan State.

Mahlon D. Thatcher was Pueblo City's 3rd Strong Mayor, running 1877 Pueblo City. 

Weldon Keeling was the 4th Strong Mayor of 1878 Pueblo City."

"At the April Mayor Forum, Larry claimed that City Council was the Executive Branch, & that the Mayor was going to be merely an administrator. Clearly, the Mayor is the Executive Branch, & City Council is the Legislative Branch. & The Municipal, State, & Federal Courts are the Judicial Branch. Understanding the 3 Branches of Government is crucial to being an effective leader. Larry Atencio doesn't understand the 3 Branches of Government. If Larry only thinks of the Mayor as an administrator, then he'll constantly claim that his hands are tied as Mayor, since he's not an Executive leader, but just merely an Administrator leader, which is wrong." 

May 25, 2018 

"Tony "The Fixer" Pemberton, Jackie "The Man from Comanche" Massey, Nick "Kingfish" Gradisar, & Janet "Pueblo's Canadian Godmother" Wilson were all there. Charlotte Perez, Larry Atencio, Gary Lee Clark, Nick Ayers, Thomas Croshal, & Ted Lopez Jr were there too. 10 of the total 18 candidates I know about showed up." 

"I have a great vision for Pueblo. Why do we have Department heads if we don't use them?" ~Janet Wilson

"Nick Gradisar is in favor of Pueblo City getting herself some Muny Electric."

"Here's 5 suggestions to alleviate homelessness:

*start building tiny houses
*3d printing produces houses @$10,000 a pop
*there's 22 empty houses per homeless person; use those houses
*Gary Clark's Colorodo Springs plan
*use the El Pueblo Boys & Girls Ranch, only get non-violent & non-raping leadership there"

"Wilson likened the present situation in Pueblo City to having some guest come over to your house, and there's heroin needles all over the place, & prostitutes, and thieves, and trash... Wilson asks: "Is your guest going to come back?""

"I'm sorry. No baseball here." ~Janet Wilson

"Pueblo City's new 2018 City Council needs to grab this bull by the horns before it wrecks the China shop. If Pueblo City truly wants a popularly-elected Mayor, it's still possible to get the necessary Charter Convention scaffolding underneath the Mayor's wings, to make him or her strong, stable, & legit. The new Flores & Aliff 2018 City Council need to vote immediately for a special Charter Convention election to be held in February. Once the February vote is favorable, then Pueblo City will vote for the Charter Convention delegates in April, and then finally, vote on the Charter itself in June."

"Instead of having a passion for Pueblo City's privileged home rule independent status that our 1954 Charter provides, Nawrocki instead opts to operate outside the law, ripping out the heart, guts, & soul of our Charter, turning it's words into gibberish. When one is walking down the wrong road, it's never too late to turn back around. The criminal corrupt runaway city government, however, will continue with their lies, constructing a wrangled web of lies & deceit in their wake. Pueblo City's government is already operating past their legal authority, and I predict, it's only going to get worse." ~Johnathan Masters, 2017

"There will always be the poor." ~Larry Atencio, April 2018

"If the Mayoral election were held today, my ranked choice ballot would look like this: 

1- Janet Wilson 
2- Jackie Massey 
3- Charlotte Perez 
4- Nick Gradisar
5- Larry Atencio
6- Gary Clark
7- Nick Ayers"

"Everywhere the War on Drugs has been implemented has been a colossal failure, & everywhere there's been an alternative to the War on Drugs (Oregon, Uruguay, Portugal, Switzerland, Colorado, North Korea, etc) has been working."

"Larry Atencio said that since Jesus Christ couldn't eradicate poverty 2,000 years ago during the Bronze Age in the Middle East, specifically, Jeruselum  - before the radio, automobile, the Internet, & Johnathan Masters was invented -, that we shouldn't try it in the Postmodern Age. Sure, Larry, Jesus tried to cure poverty 2,000 years ago, but Jesus didn't live in Amerika. And he was up against the Romans. & Pontius Pilate. Shit was different back then."

"How dare Larry Atencio use Jesus Christ's name in vain only in order to not give a damn about the poor. That's everything Jesus Christ was against."

Jackie Massey: "I just want to disagree with [Nick Gradisar]. I think we can go to Ranked Elections, probably. I think we finally have the chance to create the balance. Honestly, the 45 days for the veterans to get their absentee ballot is important. I think the Ranked Elections allows everybody to be able to participate. & I'll be honest, Ranked Elections favors the Non-Insiders, okay? Now obviously there's going to be some people who sit on city council that doesn't want Ranked Elections. & I will warn you, Ranked Elections will bring the people out to get them to vote for somebody that will represent them for their Mayor."

[Janet Wilson then mentioned that another runoff election will cost Pueblo City an unnecessary $100,000, plus some other stuff.]

Gary Clark: "I think I want to make a quick point. The ranking system, I am in favor of. We owe it to our veterans who go out for our protection, they go out at night, to sleep at night, in the same box, in the snow, freezing, eating MREs & so forth, we owe that to them. Especially the ones who come back with no legs, no eyes, amputees, purple hearts, & so forth, we owe that to our veterans."

Larry Atencio: "I'm opposed to Ranked Choice elections or IRV or Preferential Voting, or whatever you want to call them, b/c I'm a follower, & b/c I hate democracy & I hate the Pueblo people." ... [<--sarcasm]

The April Postmodern Mayor Forum

"About 50 people were there, for about 2 hours starting from 3:30pm, on the 4th floor of the Rawlings Library building, the main library in Pueblo City, & the best goddamned library in the entire nation, no, the entire universe, for the very first Postmodern Mayor's Forum for Pueblo City on April 21, 2018."

"None of the 7 Mayoral hopefuls who bothered to show up have declared a War on Poverty yet, which Amerika hasn't had for nearly 60 years now, since LBJ, nor has any of them declared a War on the War on Drugs yet. These 2 issues have me itching to jump into the race if to only shine a spotlight on just those 2 issues. Ending the War on Drugs is the only solution that will work. We must End the War on Drugs & begin a War on Poverty... then Maximize our Switzerland "Harm Reduction" plans, to curb the weakness of the human condition, to clean up the heroin needles strewn about, or those being burnt out on capitalism, or to curb the flow of STDs."

"Here's my Top 12 Ranked Choice list for Pueblo's 1st 5 Year Mayor (April 23, 2018):

1- Janet Wilson
2- Jackie Massey
3- Charlotte Perez
4- Nick Gradisar
5- Larry Atencio
6- Steve Nawrocki
7- Melissa Madrid
8- Nestor Machado 
9- Brian Dorsey 
10- Gary Clark
11- Nick Ayers
12- Lori Winner"


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