Pueblo County Needs 2 More County Commissioners

"In any county having a population of seventy thousand or more, the membership of the board of county commissioners may be increased from three to five members pursuant to this section." ~CRS 30-10-306.5(1)

It's a great idea, & it'll take a year or two to do it. The Board of Commissioners can just pass a resolution increasing the County Board - the governing board of Pueblo Couty, Colorado - from 3 members to 5 members. The Resolution is a Referendum, that the Board passes, to be put on a General Election ballot, & once the people approve the 5-member County Commissioner expansion, then the 3-County Commissioners put the election together for the next General Election, to make sure there's 5 spots on the ballot for 5 County Commissioners, in the next General Election, reiterated to focus on the fact that'll take at least 2 General Elections to get this passed. 

There's some logistical legal kinks to work out. Will both of the 2 new County Commissioners be "elected by District" candidates, which would mean a redrawing of the County political map, or will both be at-large Commissioners, therefore representing all of Pueblo County, or will there be 1 new District candidate, & 1 new at-large Chief County Commissioner? 

1 can decide if the 2 new County Commissioners are at-large, which I'd recommend, b/c they'd be superior to the original 3, which shows humbleness from the original 3, but it's also like the County's way of getting themselves their own "Mayor". By having only a system where 3 County Commissioners are elected by district, then all a citizen has is a Single County Commissioner to ask for whatthefuckever, & if the County Commissioner doesn't want to do it, or can't get the other 2 County Commissioners on board, then the issue may be dead in the water.. unless one presses their in your face MLK militant direct-action citizen skills on the other 2 County Commissioners. 

With 1 or 2 at-large County Commissioners, they'd represent all of Pueblo County, therefore increasing Pueblo County nationalism, getting all of Pueblo County represented under 1 banner, under "1 Monarch", but still only trusting "2 Monarchs" b/c of our Revolutionary War against British Tyranny, 2 Monarchs who have themselves a people's LEGISLATIVE body w/ plenary people power, in the other 3 County Commissioners. IF any of the County Commissioners feel as those the new County Commisssioners is a self-demotion under the "at-large" County Commissioners, & they'd be right, but they could also run for the new at-large County Commissioner, & instead of just representing their 1 district, they'll represent the entire County instead. It seems like a logical elevating political move too. 

By having 2 more County Commissioners, maybe 2 new districts could be constructed, or maybe 1 new district is made, & the County just bites the bullet, & gets themselves 1 at-large "Mayor" County Commissioner for Pueblo County, b/c there's an Efficiency there, in Monarchy. Again, the Pueblo City Mayor will have to deal w/ 3 County Commissioners... & maybe they're not so bad. Perhaps the 3 County Commissioners are easy going, & if the idea is good for the people, they'll just do it b/c it's the right thing to do, w/o any political pressure from below forcing them to do it. 

Then those 2 branches of government can finally be seperated, b/c Montesquieu... need I say more? 

Pueblo County would look good w/ 1 at-large County Commissioner, & 4 district County Commissioners. & if I expect 3 folks to get along, I'd expect 5 folks to get along as well. Hell, for Pueblo County, I expect all 160,000 Pueblo Countians to get along. Pueblo County get themselves a 3 County Commissioner system when their population was under 70,000, & so really, getting 5 County Commissioners is updating themselves to the Colorado Code (CRS), as it would have been written, if the County had been formed today. 

The Title of CRS 30-10-301 is OATH OF COMMISSIONERS: 

"Each person elected as commissioner, on receiving a certificate of his election, shall take an oath to support the constitution of the United States and of the state of Colorado, and to perform the duties of his office to the best of his ability, which oath, being endorsed upon said certificate, under the hand and seal of the person administering it, shall be sufficient for said person to act as such commissioner." ~CRS 30-10-301


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