
Showing posts from September, 2017

9 Question 2A Facts

1- Section 20-3. 5 Year Term for the 1st Big Daddy Strange.   2- Section 14-1. Pueblo City's Aviation Department Rising.   3- Section 6-4. The Law-&-Finance-Mafia Protection Law; Greater Protections 4 City Employees Who Injure The Public.   4- Section 4-6. Mayor's Cabinet, aka *Algonquin Round Table of Executive Authority*.   5- Section 3-14. "Strong" mayor can't sign the city's checks like the City Manager does.   6- Section 5-1. No Independent Judiciary. Big Daddy Strange will be King Over An Army of Judges.   7- Section 4-3 deleted. Legislature Demoted Down To Bitch Ass Slave of Big Daddy Strange.   8- Section 4-2. Unlimited non-consecutive terms for Big Daddy Strange.   9- Section 7-28. Department of Purchases & Supplies created.   10- Section 15-3. District No. 2 formed.   Section 2-6. Miss 2 Unexcused Days, City Council Member is Fired.   Section 13-4. Park Employees can be deputized to arrest Big Daddy Stra...

My Analysis of Nick Gardisar's New 2017 Country Club Charter For Pueblo City

April 6, 1954 is a day that will live in Pueblo infamy. 3 Score & 3 Years Ago, Pueblo City constructed herself a Charter, a Constitutional Contract with her inhabitants of the City, which promised to always love & protect the good citizens of Pueblo City, always & forever, through the powerful "home rule" mechanism, giving Pueblo City lots of freedom, independence, & autonomy, to govern her own affairs. Here's the "strange mayor" ballot question: The above ballot language refers to the the full 10-page 70- Amendment "strong mayor" document. xxx Section 14-1 Here's Section 14-1 of the Country Club Anti-Revolutionary Charter: Here's Section 14-1 of the 1954 Revolutionary Charter of autonomous Home Rule Pueblo City: Notice that the 1954 Charter states: "There is hereby created a Department of Aviation, the head of which shall be the Director. The Department shall be responsible for such functions as shall be determin...

Diamond Green Streets

Literally made up of diamond greens.

Garrison's Ministry of Love

Well, it's going to be a real cheap $139 Million dollars. Just $139 million dollars. I can't think of a single thing else I'd rather have than another goddamned county jail, who won't let the city use it to begin with.

Pueblo's League of Women Voters Forum (Sept 21, 2017)

Tommy Farrell was there. Margaret Wright was there too. Bob Schilling wasn't, however, even though he was billed to be. Last night at the Rawlings Library in the Ryal Meeting Room on the 4th floor, the Pueblo chapter of the League of Women Voters & the local chapter of the NAACP held a forum where 5 local speakers talked about 5 different local ballot measures. The speakers in the order that they spoke, & their ballot issue, are as follows: 1- Lori Winner, City Councilwoman, on Ballot Question 2B (1/5 cent sales tax for 24 new cops);   2- Earl Wilkinson, Director of Public Works, on Ballot Question 2C ("street repair enterprise");   3- Garrison Ortiz, County Commissioner, on Ballot Question 1A (0.45 cent sales tax for a new county jail);   4- Colette Carter, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Ballot Question 2A ("Strange Mayor"); 5- Some fireman from West Pueblo for some ballot question, 5B, or 5C or something. xxx 1- Ballot Question 2B (1/...

Dennis Maes, An Important Legislative Check On D60 Executive Power

Dennis Maes (on far left), 72, is such a local titan, I don't see how he can lose the School Board race. His credentials not only surpass his competitors, but they surpass the seat itself. The Judicial Center has Dennis Maes' name on it forever. Maes is a living legend. Maes was Chief Judge of the 10th Judicial District for 17 years. Maes never had to run against anybody during his tenure as Judge. He had to endure "retention" elections. Running for School Board is a harder & different campaign than running for, & being, Judge was. Maes was paid $139,000/year as Judge. Members of the School Board do not get paid any compensation whatsoever. A school board seats gives one only legislative power, & of course, there's the honor of it. Superintendents get virtual absolute power, plus they're paid a 6 figure salary, meanwhile the volunteer School Board members have to whine from the outside. Being a Judge is being part of the Judicial Branch; the S...

A Light For Ricky Muniz

1- Should there be city lights, powered by solar, on the back alley where righteous good Samaritan Ricky Muniz was slain? 2- Should the annual State of Pueblo City reports (i.e. budget, policy, municipal code, charters, etc.) be written for laymen? 3- As 1 of 7 members on City Council, how will you distinguish yourself in order to get your voice heard? 4- What will you do to solve the homelessness epidemic? 5- Should poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, & poison hemlock be added to the noxious weeds list?   6- If pushed forth by one body, the Goathead Epidemic would be solved in one year. But should we do it? 7- 1/4 ( 25%) of Pueblo City is poor, & has been poor for centuries.  How can we change this horrible & unnecessary trend? How much poverty can you tolerate? How can we lower it down to that level?   8- Should Pueblo City invest in beautiful cost-efficient Solar Trees for marketing, & for local folks to charge up their phones & laptops, ...

A 17-Point Progressive Platform of Masters 4 Pueblo City (#A15PPPM4PC)

1- The annual State of Pueblo City reports (budget, policy, municipal code, charters, etc.) written for laymen. 2- War On Goatheads! Pueblo City should be a biker's paradise, but goatheads are awaiting bikers in every park, every sidewalk, every road, every turn, etc. Awareness campaign to rid community of these foreign invasive species which produce millions of thorns - 5,000 nutlets per weed sprout - before it takes us all over. Make poison ivy, poison sumac, poison hemlock, & poison oak illegal; add them to the noxious weeds list. 3- War On Homelessness. Build lots of new tiny houses; tent cities with police protection in the meantime. Use city-owned vacant buildings for housing. Eminent domain the vacant lands & buildings of absentee landlords. 4- Create jobs. 1 idea - Put up lots of solar trees to make new outside green & socially conscious businesses think we have it going on here, like we really know what we're doing, to encourage them to set-up shop. 5- Citi...

Michael Stapleton, Austeritist Extraordinaire

Even Milton Friedman believed in some government, notably, the court system because he felt like the corporations needed a fair tribunal in which to resolve their differences. For corporations to be treated fairly, a court system is needed. For corporations to be protected, police & jails are needed. Michael Stapleton, Libertarian, believes in a government which governs least, or not at all. Stapleton wants government to be so small, he can drown it in a bathtub. Courts - Cops - Jail. That's the basic 3 essentials of any run-of-the-mill Hobbesian Leviathan fascist government, who seeks to monopolize all of the violence . In some respects, you don't even need a rubber-stamping court. Just let the rogue domestic military forces run wild. "Those who run forces are the same as those who burn crosses." ~Zach de la Rocha That's the bare bones government Milton Friedman believes we need for his corporatist society. And of course, we'll pay for that govern...